Chapter Thirty-two

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Closing her eyes, Jessie deeply inhaled the nirvana-like environment produced by palm trees surrounding the glistening pool below her as she admired the view from her hotel balcony.  She was so thankful for a smooth flight that landed late enough that she could check in to a room in her husband's Marriott until he returned back from work but early enough that she got to be just half an hour ago one of those many people below her currently sprawled on a lounge chair.

Of course her excitement did not dwindle from when Gianna gifted her those boarding passes yesterday afternoon, but the moment her plane landed in LAX the realization that she would be seeing her husband for the first time in a couple of months and after a quiet front on his part really had her walking on air.  Even her phone chirping for what seemed like the millionth time back on her king size bed did not irritate her in the slightest.

Lazily sauntering back inside and not bothering drawing the salmon-colored drapes over the now closed sliding doors, Jessie knew that being she spoke with her parents already, checked in with John, texted with Holly and Clair over the course of twenty-four hours given their time zones, and shot a couple of messages to Gianna to inform her that she arrived safely, the caller had to be Jenny.

"Did you see him yet?" Jenny's exasperated voice demanded from the other line.  "Oh, and hello, by the way.  Glad you're there safe.  My bad."

Jessie giggled as she sat on the edge of the bed facing the black screen of the 60 inch television on its entertainment stand.  "Don't worry.  I know you always care about my well-being," she assured her.  "But to answer your question, no.  I figured that.  Don't worry, though, because I have a plan."

"Which you didn't share with me before you left.  Gee, thanks," Jenny feigned betrayal before letting out a snicker.  

"Hey, I thought of it during my five and a half hour flight!" Jessie played along.

"No excuses.  You had wi-fi on your flight, didn't you?" Jenny continued to joke before unloading more spouts of laughter.  "Sorry.  I have no idea what's gotten into me.  I'm just really in a fantastic mood.  Do share, though!  And you'd better tell me what Brendan's deal is after you see him and if I have to knee him in the balls for being an introverted asshole, I will gladly oblige when I see him."

Her reflection in the mirror by the television revealed the surfacing light pink on her face from being out in the sun as she beamed at both Jenny's playful manners mixed with her typical tough girl act.  "Anything happen in the nine hours I've been gone?" Jessie inquired.

Before Jenny could answer, Jessie could already feel something good in the air.  "I put in my two weeks notice earlier this morning," she replied.  "I know this is going to come as a surprise, but I was a bit nervous about it.  However, everybody's been so kind and very supportive."

"I'm so glad to hear that!" Jessie exclaimed enthusiastically.  "This is a great sign you're going in the right direction."

"Thanks, babe.  Speaking of which not only is my basement getting remodeled in time for September as I learned an hour ago, but when I called my  clients who have events with me for the rest of the year to inform them that I will have to pass on the planning baton to my management, they are going to withdraw from here and follow me to my business so I can still do their parties!"

Jessie kicked her legs out in excitement.  "That's amazing, Jen!  Wow.  It doesn't surprise me, of course," she asserted.  "I feel like everybody in my life is coasting on a high wave."

"I can't tell you how happy I am that you've been doing so well," Jenny remarked.  "I know I was rough on you about Gianna, but it seems as though you were both good for one another so perhaps you were meant to connect.  Maybe it was Lauren's doing."

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