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"We've barely spent an hour here and I feel like I'm going to puke!" Delaine whined. I glared at her as she burped. I still don't understand how we managed to survive so far on the same table, together with Caleb.

As soon as the dinner party had begun, we had been ushered to our various tables, specifically for the category we each belonged to; and not family-wise. For example, the parents all sat together beside their spouses, at a table for six. The remaining tables were tables for four and trust the waiters to place Sam, Cory, Melody and Theresa on the same table. Well, in their defense, they had all walked together.

Which left Delaine, Caleb and I to sit together at another table. Let me tell you, it was torture! These people were the most guarded set of people I'd ever seen. Not only that, they were quite keen on alcohol. Caleb had barely tasted his food before taking a shot of tequila. It looked like he was desperate to get his mind away from reality. Which scared me as I remembered his fight with Carlos. I had never seen a good side of a drunk Caleb!

Delaine was equally drunk, but she seemed more of a muttering and complaining type as revealed by the alcohol. This was the upteenth time she was complaining and there was only one of her complaints I couldn't help but nod to -the fact that our parents seemed to be having the time of their lives and didn't even spare us a glance. Well, apart from my parents though. They did give us a wave and a smile or two, but aside that, they were immersed in their conversations, reliving memories and talking business!

They really didn't have to drag us along, for real!

"What're you glaring for?" Delaine asked, after glancing at me. Caleb's phone rang so he stood up, without an 'excuse me', to answer the call. Not that we cared so much about our presence anyway. I ignored Delaine's question just as Samuel walked past our table, throwing me a suspicious grin.

I watched as he bent towards his mum's ears and whispered. At once, Mrs Brown lifted her eyes to me with a bright smile. I returned it awkwardly, looking away, wondering what on earth Samuel had told her.

"Sam dear!" She called, making me return my gaze to her. "Sam here tells me that you are a great violinist." Instantly, I felt the blush creep all the way from my neck up. Sam grinned at me and I glanced at my siblings to see them all grinning at me. All, except Cory who was smirking! Had he and Sam planned this? I narrowed my eyes at both of them but that only seemed to increase their grins and smirks respectively.

"Is that so?" Mr Simpson cut in, seemingly uninterested but somehow feeling the need to talk. He seemed like someone who was quick to scrutinize everyone and everybody.

"Yeah. She's being playing since like forever." Dad said charismatically, before throwing me a lovely smile, which I returned in appreciation. He probably also knew what Mr Simpson was trying to do.

"Would you like to play something for us?" Rebecca asked.

"I guess I could." I said.

"Great!" Rebecca chirped. Then she clapped her hands to get the attention of the playing band. "Alright! Sorry guys, I'd have to cut you for now." The bands didn't even seem bothered the least. Rebecca then stood up and mounted the stage.

"Okay, everyone!" She clapped. "Permit me to invite Samantha up her to perform her beautiful violin piece." Everyone cheered except Mr Simpson and his daughter. Mrs Simpson somehow seemed to have forgotten the details of our last extent because ever since she had arrived, she had been friendly and polite. However, she seemed reserved and I couldn't help but wonder if her husband had anything to do with that.

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