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Sorry for the delay! Network issue🤧🙏


"Are you sure you don't want anything?" My dad asked, seated behind his desk. We were currently seated in his study like I had demanded. I didn't want any interruption from Anya or anyone and they had both respected that.

While I was dressed in a simple floral dress, my dad was all dressed up in a complete blue suit, his hair was neatly styled.

I shook my head in response for the upteenth time, stretching myself on the comfortable sofa, opposite him. I glanced at the various artworks which I was pretty sure were very expensive! The entire house must have cost a fortune!

Bobby Pears looked a bit skeptical, but still nodded.

"To be candid, I was surprised when you asked to see me." He started, leaning his back towards his chair. I shrugged.

"Had to. I need answers." I went straight to the point. His eyes widened a bit. Aside that, he didn't show any expression.

"Oka-y?" He drawled. I entwined my fingers on both hands, leaning on his desk.

"I officially met the principal earlier today." I started. Dad nodded for me to continue. "We had a long talk."

"I agree." He said, crossing his fingers as well. "Theresa informed me about your suspension." My eyes shot up to him.

"SHE WHAT?!" He didn't seem ruffled by my outburst.

"She got a call from your school, few hours ago." My dad explained. "Since I requested to always be informed about any recent development, she did inform me."

"What else did she inform you about?" I asked, bitterly.

"No need to be so bitter." He said, playing with the ring on his left 'ring man'. I assumed that was the ring that bonded him together with Anya. I suddenly felt sick.

"Can you stop?" I whispered, gesturing towards his hands. He quickly got the gist, thankfully. However, he sighed.

"At some point Samantha, you're going to have to get used to the fact that I'm married to Anya now." He said. "I miss your mum, every single day! But her memories, Anya and you kids are my present." I sighed. I understood that. I just wasn't ready. I don't know if I'll ever be!

"Anyway," I started. "I did get a suspension due to my standing up against some mean kids at school." Dad nodded, giving me his full attention.

"That isn't the point. I've got a punishment. But I also got to meet the principal. She claimed that wasn't how she had planned to meet me, which got me curious, which got to me ask her quite a number of questions, which caused her to give me quite a number of answers." I ranted.

"Oka-y?" Dad drawled again. I was irked but I managed to surpress it with a forceful sigh.

"She told me you, mum, Caleb's dad, his mum and her older brother, Drew's dad, were all high school friends." I said, looking at him, wary of his response.

"There were three more of them." He said so low, I almost didn't hear.


"There were three more." He repeated. "Drew's mum, Crystal and Candice's parents." I gasped.

"Why did you keep it from us?" I asked. Dad pinched the space between his eyes before sitting up.

"It didn't matter then, Sam. As far as your mum and I were concerned, we were never going to return to Portland." He said.

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