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"Wow!" TJ drawled as my sister and her friends all gazed at the goods in my car. Immediately Theresa had realized that the figure in front of her was actually me, she had bombarded me with lots of questions, demanding answers immediately while glaring hard at me. She had seemed very upset and I knew that if I didn't tell her the truth, and also convincingly, at that instant, my sister would definitely conduct her research herself.

And that would be very dangerous!

So I had told her the truth at that instant though in the most compressed way I could.

"Um, a friend of mine was made a slave to some guys in school, so I negotiated with the bullies and took her place instead." Theresa had screamed her reply.

"What?! Are you out of your mind, Samantha?! A slave?!"

"It's not that bad, trust me." I had tried to persuade. But my sister had been too upset to reason with me. She had proceeded to snatch the shopping list off my hands and let me tell you, the screech that followed at the sight of the list could safely be compared to Melody's, once when Cory had given her a fright. I had reached out unconsciously to cover my ears which earned my left arm a hard smack from Theresa's palm.

"So you're just getting started?" She had managed to choke out. I had responded with a shake of the head and somehow, I had eventually marched them all to the parking lot.

So here we are, gazing at the many goods stocked into my car.

"Sam, this is not cool!" Theresa commented, shaking her head, a deep scowl on her face. I noticed Tobias beside her, trying to keep his face straight. I knew what was definitely running in his mind.

You who called had once called me out couldn't even resist mere bullies!

It was pretty shameful, but once I reminded myself I was doing it for Cecilia, I wasn't bothered. Instead, I raised my chin up in defiance to which he released his smirk, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Aren't you going to say anything beyond 'wow', TJ?" It was normal Theresa demanded for TJ's input. He was like a brother to us. TJ scratched the back of his neck.

"Er, I mean, she stated her reason and I do respect that." Theresa gave him a look that screamed 'unbelievable!'. But before she could reply, TJ quickly added, "Although I still do not like that she has to work for some lazy bunch of teenagers. I mean, look at those Doritos!"

"Thank God Langston isn't here!" Justin laughed. I had to hold back my laugh. Everyone knows what Langston does whenever he sees food. He's either eating it or whining about not being able to eat it!

"Anyway, I do not like this AT ALL! We've got some talking to do, girl!" Theresa narrowed her eyes at me. I planted a fake smile on my face. Here we go again!

"Help me with these guys." She proceeded to dump the grocery bags into Justin and TJ's arms. I laughed as the guys tried to steady themselves considering Theresa had simply added more to the bags they had initially been holding.

She then proceeded to snatch the list from my hand again.

"Let's get this thing done with!"

Hence, what she meant was that she was going to help me in the shopping!

"What? Really Theresa?" I grinned. "This must be a dream."

"Oh you better enjoy it while it lasts." She shot me a glare before sending Tobias an apologetic smile which he responded with a genuine one.

"Sure." I muttered, narrowing my eyes at both of them.

The Bullies' Slave 1Where stories live. Discover now