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"Can someone please go get the door?!" Theresa yelled from the kitchen.

"Nah!" TJ replied, stretching himself further on the couch.

"It's most probably the pizza delivery guy." Theresa deadpanned as she surfaced from the kitchen.

I got up just as fast as TJ! If Langston or Cory had any chance to get to the door before us, our pizza would surely be in danger.

TJ, Langston and Justin literally saw our home as their second home. I wonder why! It didn't help that their best friend, Tobias Graham owned a beautiful house next to ours. But these guys were fun despite their alarming amount of energy. I opened the door to see the pizza delivery guy.

But he wasn't alone.

Beside him was Tobias Graham! He was dressed in a white tee and denim jacket over a pair of blue jeans and black and white Nike converse. His hair was neatly jelled to the back and he had his usual arrogant stance. His blue eyes narrowed at me.

"Um, hello?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow. TJ chuckled beside me as he collected the pizza boxes from the delivery guy. He handed him some notes and the guy took his leave.

"What's up, man?" TJ nodded to Tobias with a smirk as he took the boxes inside.

"Yes?" I asked, crossing my arm.

"Is Theresa in?" Tobias asked, still narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, she is-"

"Good." He interrupted then took a step forward, a move to enter into the house. I blocked him.

"Yo bro, slow down! Where do you think you're going?" Tobias gave me an incredulous look.

"Excuse me?" He asked, obviously not comprehending the fact that someone could actually stand in his way.

"Why do you need my sister?" I asked. But I didn't get a reply as Theresa surfaced, followed by TJ.

"Sam?" She asked. Then she saw Tobias and smiled a little. What? I looked at Tobias and saw his features soften as he gazed at Theresa.

Am I missing something here?

"What's going on?" I asked, my eyes darting between these two gazing at themselves. Tobias is literally her boss!

"Come on, Sam." TJ said, pulling me away.

"Let go!" I tried to struggle but when I saw he was determined and my sister and her fellow gazer didn't seem to be aware of anyone else aside themselves, I followed him.

"What's going on?" I asked. TJ simply smirked and I got the gist.

If that slimy fellow thinks he can get my sister, he must be kidding!

My sis could never be with someone like him!

"Theresa is not a kid, Sam." TJ calmly said as he patted my back. I relaxed for a split second because a yell emanated from my mouth as soon as I beheld the sight in the living room.


Langston, Cory, Justin and Melody had consumed three and a half out of the five boxes of pizza. TJ burst into laughter at my incredulous look which earned him a glare.

"What's going on?" Theresa asked, rushing in, followed by Tobias. I gestured towards the guilty party. Theresa's eyes went wide.



I realized that Tobias isn't actually that bad. I'm kidding! Although, I concluded that it's either he's hell-bent on getting my sister's favour, or he actually is really changing as Theresa had said.

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