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It has been two months since lockdown started and things with you and lando were going very well let's say. You both would make meals together, eat together, watch films together, try and workout together and newly started sleeping together.

You had to admit, lando was the most reckless sleeper at times and then others he would be like a baby and you wouldn't even know he was there.

"Lan, do you know where the bread has gone? I swear I bought some the other day.." you said as you walked into his gaming room
"Um.. I don't know .. the bread bin?" He said not loosing concentration
"Lando?" You said
"Lando! Pause your game a minute. Please." You said with a slight frustration.
"Have you seen the weather? It's literally 38 degrees and your sat in here instead of getting outside. I know the sim work is important but your on Call Of Duty. Please can we go out?" You pleaded as you stood in the door.
"Fine I suppose a walk wouldn't kill us. But I have a streaming live video tonight if we could be back for that"
"What time"
"We will be back. I just want you to have a break too lando, when season starts back it's going to be back to back travelling and racing and you will want a break so please take one now."

Lando agreed that the weather had been too nice lately for you not to enjoy it. You have been sat out in the garden reading and listening to music as much as you could but lando would be sat on his sim practicing over and over again.

You walked around three miles before getting home and the weather was perfect. The sun was shrinking but the gentle breeze that picked up in the afternoon felt as though you were walking on a beach front.

Lando took some beautiful pictures while out and you agreed to edit them black and white to have then put up in the hallway as it was a bit blank. He said his favourite was you sat on a wooden fence next to a field shielding the sun from your eyes and he wanted that as the main photo. You couldn't deny the lighting was perfect and it would be the first photo of you lando would have in his house.


You were sat downstairs in the living room watching your soaps but all you could hear was lando on his stream with Alex, Charles and George.

George knew you were staying with Lando but Charles and Alex just thought you had been over there a few times in the day to hang out.

This would be the perfect opportunity to shock them all as it was just them and no public or fans were on the stream so it could be edited out if they shared it.

They were on the F1 2019 game and racing the Silverstone track at the moment, you made your way upstairs and didn't bother knocking before just opening the door and shouting "babe do you want chips with the salad?"

"Who is that lando?" Alex shouted straight away and lando just started laughing and had to pause his game.
"Wow!! That better be Anna or I want to know what girl is over!" George shouted
"It's Anna don't worry ahah" he managed to say
"Anna? What the hell is going on?" Charles said completely confused
"Um Anna has been at mine the past two months"
"Two months? Why are we only just finding this out?" Alex shouted
"Anna?" Lando said waving you to come into shot.
"Hey guys!" You laughed waving to them
"What the hell! Charlotte!" Charles shouted for his girlfriend to come and meet you too. She walked in and she was beautiful! Literally she was a model!
"Hi I'm Anna lovely to meet you!" You said
"Aw hi! I'm Charlotte" she said in a thick accent
"This is landos.. um what is she lando?"
"Girlfriend" he proudly said
"Landos girlfriend, she is a physiotherapist so she will be at races. You two will have to meet up" Charles said and you smiled away.

"On a serious note lando is like to know where Anna is staying please" George said
"One second lads I'll give you a tour.." lando said standing up and taking the camera.
"I've never seen it so tidy" Alex said making you all laugh
"So this is my room" lando pointed as he opened the door and then closed it again.
"And this is Anna's room" he said once again opening the same door and the three bouts went mental for him. They were shouting as if he had just got P1.
"Alright clam down lads" you laughed
"Well Norris. Your looking after my favourite cousin so be careful" George said making lando feel very uncomfortable.
"Leave him alone Georgie! At least his girlfriend is staying with him unlike you who is staying at his parents!" You replied
"Ok ok let's not have a family war.." lando said
"Right I'll let you lot continue, dinner will be ten minutes lan" you said and gave him a kiss before leaving once again to hear the up roar of cheers!

Walking down the stairs felt as though you had accomplished a mission to make George panic, make the boys congratulate lando and also just to try to pull lando away from the sim again. You were running out of ideas on how to do that now.

Dinner was just like any other dinner, lando was on his diet so you agreed you would eat the same so he wouldn't get food envy. The pasta, rice or salad with chicken was starting to drive you a bit insane now.

Landos phone rang and you both shot your heads over to the living room coffee table wondering who would be calling this time of night.
"Go get it" you said to lando as he didn't really move.

All you heard initially was him say, "hi Zak, yeah I'm good thank you. Erm.. yeah.. yeah Anna is coming over on Tuesday to give me my physio. She's been to Carlos yesterday he was saying... ok so back for July 3rd? Yeah no worries.. thank you for letting me know. Bye"

He turned and smiled like the smile he does when he's over the moon
"We are back!!!" Lando shouted
"Oh thank god! Where's the race?" You said running over to hug him
"Austria and I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to this!"
"Me either, I suppose I'll get a call in a few moments too. So Zak doesn't know I'm here right?"
"No he knows we are together but not that your staying here. Sooo guess we are back to travelling and winning some races"
"You hope you win! I'll be glad to see Lewis go to give you all a chance. Williams really still think he has some super car"
"Oh and when we get back to HQ which will probably be the next few weeks I'm going to have to tell Zak things are official, especially if your wanting to stay with me on race weekends they need numbers for rooms" lando said rubbing your arms
"Yes I agree I think he needs to know. It's not fair to hide it from him much longer"

"I am so glad they have got the go word for it. I have no idea a year out would be like"
"Me too lan, so speaking of racing you better get some sleep at a decent time. Your body needs to start strengthening again"
"Strengthening? I'll show you strengthening" lando said as he picked you up fireman style and started walking up the stairs which was proving difficult. You saw it as training for him so let him continue.
"Nearly there!" He said trying to open the door before literally dropping you in the bed
"I swear if you dropped me- I would of killed you" you laughed as he hovered over you
"Well good job I didn't or I wouldn't be able to give you all the kisses in the world" he replied and followed by peppering your face and neck with his lips.
he didn't listen and just continued as he ran his fingers through your hair
"Lando.. my phone"
"Why.." he whines as he pulled himself from you to give you room to answer it.

It was Zak. Again.
You literally had the same conversation as he did with lando.

Just before you put down the phone Zak asked another question.
"Why are you breathing so heavy Anna, are you ok?" He asked. You knew it wasn't you but it was lando who was still hovering above you.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just done some cardio work." You replied before he ended the call.

"Same conversation as you. Well you heard it being so close ahah he asked why I was breathing heavy, he could hear your breathing lando!" You giggled as you rolled him over so you was sat on his lap facing him.

"Mr Norris, as your physiotherapist, current chef, current nutritionist, current PT, current PA I suggest you get some rest because your gonna get bombarded from now until the third and you need to be on your A game ok?"
"Yes ma'am one one term?"
"Your mine. Forever"
"That's easy to agree to lando"

🧡AN: I will be going straight to the start of the season and doing each race as a chapter or two. I hope your enjoying my book and I can't wait for you to read the rest 🧡

Russell's Cousin- Lando Norris storyWhere stories live. Discover now