Summer Holidays and Training Camps

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"Come on your pathetic!" You shouted at George as he ran full gas on the tredmill "what the hell do you call this pace? Great-Auntie lizzy could run faster than this and she's dead!" You shouted as George was spat after the killer session you had just done as the final one before your holidays. 

"I'm done!" He huffed as he virtually collapsed as soon as he stepped off. Sweat pouring from him as you upped the heater in prep for the returning races.
"Well done, last one done then holiday this afternoon!" You replied as you both headed from the gym back to your apartments to get a quick shower and then head to nice airport. You had all booked for an apartment with George and Carmen in Greece and then the boys were heading to a few gigs while you spent a week with Carmen in london following it.

"Hello darling, how was it?" Lando asked as he was packing the few last bits.
"Good, we made loads of progress and finished with a massive burner on the tredmill. But he's my driver and my secrets stay close to my chest" you laughed as you grabbed a glass to fill with water.
"And how did you feel?" Lando asked sitting next to you on the sofa.
"Okay, not really been feeling sick at all so I'm good" you smiled back as he placed his hand on yours
"Your going to be an amazing our little racing driver" he said tickling you
"Lando! Whatever it is it won't be a racing driver it's going to be a coach like it's mum" you laughed
"Racing driver!" He said as he left the room to continue packing shouting as you laughed with your head in your hands.

You had still been doing everything you would normally do but at your last check up they did mention the heartbeat was a little slow. But it was only just 7 weeks at that point and it was still early on for anything to happen. You just needed to take your time and rest to give everything an 100% chance of best outcomes.


"Hello, you two. Do you want breakfast soon?" Carmen asked knocking on the door of yours and landos room the following morning
"Yeah I'll be two minutes I'm just getting changed, lando come on you need to get up" you replied shaking him
"Mmm" he groaned
"Come on Carmen has made breaky for us all"
"You go in too tired" he said muffled into the pillow he was hugging
"Unbelievable. Get your ass up norris" you said jumping up and down on the bed
"Okay okay! I'm up! Calm down"
"I'm just really hungry Lan" you smiled sweetly
"Then me too" he replied kissing your forehead.

"Did you sleep well?" George asked as he was sat reading his newspaper at the table
"Really well I was shattered" you said taking a spoon to the granola infront of you
"You were? You was tired! I can't bloody walk today my legs are killing me that much"
"Good that means we won't have to go anywhere today" Carmen laughed with you.
"No we are still going for dinner tonight"
"That's tonight though, have you heard from your mum or anything?" George asked you
"Yeah I text her this morning just to let them know we all arrived safe and sound"
"Thank you" he smiled

Breakfast was your favourite part of any holiday, you would spend hours all just chatting while nibbling and before you knew it it would be 11/12 and you would all head for some sun. The routine went on every day for the holiday and you and lando would nap on the sofas outside so you had some shade but still got some sun. He was so continuous of making sure you were comfortable all the time that sometimes you had to force him to keep still and just to relax and not fret.

Recently the past few days had been different, you had been having terrible stomach cramps and back pain but you thought it might of just been from flying with the pregnancy. You were due to leave and head to london tomorrow with Carmen and you both had planned a few shows, some shopping and sightseeing but mostly relaxation and spa days. George and lando were off partying with Daniel, Carlos and Pierre in Ibiza for a week while you went for some TLC and self care.

"Promise me you won't be silly or do anything dangerous. That's both of you" you said giving a stern talking to them both lando and George.
"Promise." They both replied like two boys being told off.
"Don't get caught up in anything that could ruin your publicity either" you said looking at lando who was the more free spirited one of the both.
"I won't don't worry, I love you, I love you both, make sure you take care of yourself and our little bean okay" lando said bending down kissing your stomach
"We love you too" you smiled as you waved him off with George after Carmen said her goodbyes too.

"It's a girls week!" She smiled excitedly.
"Aw let's go and do nothing but live in luxury" you replied

The weather in london had been beautiful all week and it was coming up to some of your last days where you decided to go for afternoon tea at the ritz. You had always wanted to go so you had been planning your outfits for days to get those perfect pictures. Your stomach cramps had still been on and off that week but you did some Googling and found it was natural and it was okay as long as you got checked which you were booked for when you get home.

On your way to the ritz you were checking your socials when a FaceTime came in from a very very very drunk Carlos and lando dancing on top of a dj deck stand while Pierre was throwing up just off stage and george was doing shots with Daniel. Carnage. Who allowed these lot to do this.
"Have you seen them" you said showing Carmen
"Hello Carmen! You sexy señorita!" Daniel shouted and she was in hysterics laughing.
"Oi!" George said in the background
"Hi boys" you laughed while rolling off the sofa from the pure funniness
"Lando! Lando! Anna is here!" Daniel shouted
"Baby!" You could hear him shout
"You all having fun" you asked
"So much, we could have more of you were here though.." lando suggested raising his eyebrows
"Okay okay that's enough" Carlos said pushing him out the way
"I will take ultimate care of him for you anna, he is in top form and on good behaviour" Carlos said in his thick Spanish accent
"Well in trust I place you" you laughed "we are going to go out so enjoy boys"
"Bye!" They all shouted and you and Carmen knew they wouldn't be seeing 8 pm with the state they were in.

Russell's Cousin- Lando Norris storyWhere stories live. Discover now