Chapter 13 The Radio Tower

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You and Lara almost lost yourselves in one another. You two kissed for a few minutes, neither of you letting up. After a while you heard Roth grunting in pain. You forgot he was there as well. You and Lara instantly let go of each other. Lara crawled towards him and helped him sit up. You took a good look at Roth's face. He still looked pretty rough but Lara had done a good job bandaging his deeper wounds. "O my God Roth, are you okay? How are you feeling?" she asked when she got off of him. "I'm fine las. Thanks to you." he replied with a smile. "Where does a girl like you learn to do this kind of stuff?" he asked looking at his bandaged knee and chest. "Late shifts at the nine bells. You should have seen how badly people get beat up after a few drinks." she said chuckling. It was only now you noticed how well she patched up your shoulder as well. You knew she worked at the nine bells, but you never imagined the tough crowds that went there. She clearly had a knack for this kind of stuff. "Y/N, have you seen the others? We lost contact with Jonah and the rest of my men. We hoped you had seen them during your escape." Roth asked. You just now realized the bad news you had to tell him.

"Roth I'm so sorry. I... I found Grimm... He was badly hurt in the wolves den up the hill. I tried to get him out of that place. But He didn't make it." you said trying not to get emotional thinking of Grimm's blood-soaked face. Roth looked at you and his eyes widened. You saw a tear appear in his right eye. "Grimm... Is dead?" he asked, still not coping with the fact. You nodded your head. You looked beside you and Lara's smile had disappeared. "Grimm... You stubborn bastard." Roth said and wiped his eyes. "He... Told me he couldn't keep up with the rest in the forest. He told them to keep running and leave him." you said. Roth looked at you and you saw his sadness turn into anger. "He was always a fool. He should've stayed with them." He said angrily. "We need to get the fuck out of this place. We must send an SOS signal. People need to know we're down here. We're getting of this rock. It's what Grimm would have wanted." Roth continued and you and Lara nodded your heads. Roth looked around and then looked at the top of a faraway mountain. "See that radio tower of there? That's our way out." he said and he pointed into the distance. You and Lara looked to where he was pointing and you made out the radio tower by a small red light blinking at the top. You and Lara looked at each other. "Alright, let's go then." Lara said and she walked towards Roth to help him up. "Help me with him Y/N." she asked and you stepped next to them to help Roth up. This took allot of effort. The man was definitely heavier than he looked. You two tried to keep Roth on his feet and make him move forward, but this took allot of effort. "It's no good guys. I can't walk. My knee is messed up. I'm not climbing that tower anytime soon." he said and you two helped him sit back down by the fire. "It's up to you two to send that SOS." he said looking at the both of you. "I need to rest before I can walk properly again." he said. "Okay. But we're putting you in one of those shacks so you won't get spotted if Solarii troops come by." Lara said and she pointed at the abandoned houses down the road. Roth nodded and you two carried him into one of the houses. When you walked into the house you spotted an old stretcher bed with a thin mattress standing in the corner. It was in pretty good shape so you laid Roth down on it. You opened Roth's backpack and laid a loaded pistol next to the bed. "In case those nut jobs come looking mate." you said and Roth nodded. "We cleared the wolves out of this place so it'll be much safer. We'll send the SOS and come back to you straight away." Lara said.

"I know you two can pull this off. Watch each other's back out there, okay?" Roth said. You nodded and Roth looked at you. He reached out his hand to you. You grabbed it and he pulled you in closer. "Keep her save for me Y/N. She means the world to me." he said. "I know old-timer. I will." you said and you two let go.

Lara hugged Roth carefully because of his wounds. "We'll be back as soon as possible. Just sit tight, okay? Try to get some rest. And if there's any trouble contact us with your radio." she said and Roth hugged her back.

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