Chapter 11 The Great Escape

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The night was slowly creeping by and you kept watch for the first few hours. There wasn't really any trouble because the guarding islanders kept their distance and the radio in Lara's boot didn't screech once. Jonah who was keeping track of time with his watch, gave you a sign that it was Lara, Grimm and Alex's turn. You didn't want to wake Lara, because she was sleeping so peacefully on your knee. But you didn't have a choice and you started rubbing her arm as gently as possible. Lara opened her eyes and smiled when her eyes met yours. "Did you have a nice nap sweetie?" you asked. "Yes, it was. I had a nice dream." She replied and she rubbed her eyes. "Oh yeah? What was it about?" you asked interested. "Well, I uhh..." she exclaimed. "He I don't want to be rude or anything. But some of us are trying to sleep here." Reyes cut her off with an angry look. "Oh yeah, we're sorry Reyes." You apologized. "Are you sure you up for this? I can take your shift as well if you'd like?" You whispered to Lara who was looking very tired still. Lara rubbed her eyes again "No it's fine Y/N. You need to keep your strengths up as well." "All right then." You said and tried to sit as comfortable as possible with your hands tied. You expected that you wouldn't get any sleep because of the nervous tension inside the cage, but you didn't realize how tired you really were and as soon as you closed your eyes you fell into a deep sleep. You were sleeping for a few minutes and the constant leaning of your head almost made you fall over, but Lara moved closer to you so that your head fell on her shoulder. You didn't notice it but it was very comfortable. The caged Endurance crew was getting more nervous by the minute. Alex and Grimm informed the rest of Roth's plan and everyone was grateful towards Lara and Roth for making an escape plan. After you had two hours of sleep and the sun was slowly coming up, it happened. You heard the familiar screeching sound coming from Lara's boot. The sound woke you instantly and you were as focused as ever. You helped Lara to retrieve the radio and to speak into it. The rest of the Endurance who knew of the plan repositioned themselves around you so that nearby guards wouldn't see what you and Lara were doing.

"This is Roth. Lara are you there?" You heard Roth's voice ask. "Yes, I'm here Roth. Did you find a way to get us out of here?" Lara asked hopefully. "I think so. But it'll be tricky and I don't know if everyone in camp will make it out alive." he said nervously. "We'll have to consider Roth. What is it?" Lara asked. "All right, I snuck into the camp and saw a big oil tanker nearby. I'm planning on blowing it up with some left-over dynamite I took from the ship. This will be the perfect distraction for you and the rest to escape the cage. But that'll be easy compared with what you'll have to do next. I saw that there is an armoury not far from the prison block. If you're able to reach it you can all arm yourselves against the Solarii. Then you'll have to fight your way towards the big, mechanical entrance doors." Roth said. "But Roth we can't get out of this cage when all of our hands are bound behind our backs and we don't have the key." Lara said. "I know Lara. That'll be your first task. Maybe there is something sharp nearby that can help you with those binds and I bet the guards nearby have the key to your cell. You need to find a way to escape the prison block first, I can't help you with that. I won't be able to infiltrate the compound that far. But I'll make sure the huge gates are open so everyone can escape into the forest. We regroup at the campsite where everyone taken. From there we will find another spot to hide. Ask Grimm I bet he knows a way to get out of there." Roth said. "Okay Roth, I'll keep you posted on when we get out of this cage so you can blow the tanker. Lara over and out." Lara said and together you put away the radio again.

"So, first thing is to get out of this cage? I think I figured out how." said Grimm and he walked towards you. "How?" Alex asked. "It won't be that hard. Me and Roth have been in these kinds of situations countless of times." he said. "When we were young, we didn't really hang out with a good crowd if you know what I mean. First, we need to get these bindings off. Alex be a good lad and give me your glasses." He said and Alex hesitated but eventually made his glasses fall into Grimm's hands Grimm took out one of the glass specs. "He! What are you doing? You know I can't see without those right?" Alex said agitated. "I'm sorry lad but we'll need these to get out of here. I'll keep one in for ya so ya won't be fully blind." Grimm answered and he started sharpening the glass on the cell bars. "I gotta say old man. You're one hard SOB." Jonah said admiringly. After a while the glass was sharp enough and Grimm cut his bindings off. After that he cut loose everyone else in the cage and he whispered "You still gotta pretend that your hands are tied lads. Or the guards will notice." "Okay, we can use our hands again. But how the hell are we getting out of this cage Grimm?" Alex asked after Jonah helped him put his glasses back on. "Getting out is always the easy part mate. We just have to lure those guards over here and use their confusion to our advantage." Grimm said. "All right, but how do we get them over here?" you asked. "I hoped you could help me with that Y/N." Grimm said. "We're gonna fake a fight. Of course, we'll need to be a bit more convincing when they are standing near us. Everyone in the cage needs to make as much ruckus as possible. They'll be forced to come check it out, break us up and bind our hands again. When their busy doing that the rest of us we'll jump them. We'll have the advantage because there aren't many guards stationed here and they think everyone in here is still defenceless." Grimm said with a smirk. "It's brilliant Grimm. After when we disarmed the guards, I'll signal Roth to blow the oil container." Lara said. "All right. Everyone knows what to do then? Yeah? Great." Grimm said when everyone in the cage looked focused and nodded.

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