Chapter 8 Sam and Mathias

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You and Lara started walking inland just as Roth suggested. When you came across the forest where you two hunted yesterday, you suddenly hear strange music. "Do you hear that, Lara?" you ask. "Yeah, it sounds like Japanese music. It's coming from over there." Lara says while she points at the source. "Should we check it out?" you ask. "I don't know Y/N. There might be islanders and that's always bad news." Lara said. "I don't know Lara. It might give us a clue to where Roth and the rest went." you said. Lara is mulling it over. "Alright, we'll check it out. But we stay hidden in the bushes so enemies won't spot us". She says and you two approach the sound via the cover of bushes and trees. When the music was at its loudest you saw a strange old shack with the door standing open. You looked at Lara and listened intensely. You didn't hear anything. There was no one around. You signalled Lara that it was safe and you two approached the shack carefully. When you peeked inside there was nobody in there. But there was a floor door that was standing open. You and Lara stood next to it and both jumped when the shack door was blown shut by the wind. "That almost gave me a heart attack." You say while rubbing your chest. "You're not the only one Y/N. You tried to open the door again but the lock broke because of the force of the wind. "Damn, it's stuck Y/N! We can't get out." Lara yelled. "Well, there is still a way down." You say while the two of you looked at the open floor door. "Where do you suppose this goes?" Lara asks. "I don't know Lara. But there is only one way to find out." You say and you start climbing downward. Lara stops you by grabbing your hand. "Are you sure this is a good idea Y/N? Maybe it's a trap or something." Lara says concerned. "We have each other, Lara. Together no one can stop us." This seems to reassure her, and you two started heading down.

At the bottom of the hole the floor was covered in water. "Goddamn. I thought for once we wouldn't get wet." Lara says annoyed. "It's just water Lara. We'll be okay." And you headed further into the weird basement following the sound of the weird Japanese music. Until you came across something horrifying. There was a long hallway with a single door at the end of it. And when you opened it you two entered a human slaughterhouse. There were bodies everywhere. Torn off body parts, guts, skulls you name it all tossed around and piled up all over the room. This made Lara sick and she ran back into the hallway from where you came, and you heard her vomiting. "This place is sick!" she said when she came back and stood next to you. "What the fuck did we get ourselves into Y/N?!" she says panicked. "We can't stop now Lara. We have to keep going. The music was very loud in this room so the first order of business was to shut it off. You see the record player in the corner and you turn it off. "Finally, some peace and quit. Follow me I see the exit on the other side." You say and you guided her forward through the room. When you stood in front of the door it wouldn't open. "Shit, the door is locked!" you say. You take the metal bat from your belt and start to pounce on the lock, but to no avail. "How the hell are we gonna get out of here now!" Lara asks. You went back into the room and saw an axe sticking out of a corpse that was ripped open. It was a simple construction. A sharp stick attached with duct tape to a thicker stick for the handlebar. "I bet we can break open the lock with this bad boy." You say when you pulled the axe from the corpse and Lara made a disgusted face at this. You walk back to the door and you stick the pointy end of the axe between the door and the lock and start pulling. The lock was stronger than you thought. "Lara, could you give me a hand with this?" you ask and Lara started helping you.


Finally, the lock broke off and you two could exit the bloody room. When you walked further you came across another long hallway with a ladder going all the way up. You saw light coming from up above so you knew you'd finally escape this hellish basement. You made Lara go first and together you climbed to the top of the ladder. When Lara was out, she helped you with your last steps because your arm was still very sore. When you came out you tripped over the last step, and Lara catches you. "Uhh... Thanks." You say nervously and you start to blush. "Don't mention it. You're so clumsy." Lara says with a smile and you two started to go further.

After a few minutes of walking Lara pushes you into nearby bushes. "Lara what the he..." you say but she covers your mouth with her hand. "Listen" she whispers in your ear. You hear two voices coming from around the corner. "They might be islanders Y/N. If we sneak up on them, we might have the upper hand." Lara says and you agree to this plan. Lara takes her bow from her back and you pick the metal bat from your belt. You two sneak to the camp. You signal to Lara that you'll take a peek, and you do so. But you didn't expect what you saw. You saw Sam and an unknown man sitting by a campfire. Lara sees your surprised expression and peaks around the corner next to you. "SAM!" she yells and ran around the corner to her best friend. "Lara!" Sam yells as well in joy and the two start to hug. You come around the corner as well. Very happy to see Sam unharmed, and you hug her as well. Then you shift your focus to the unknown man still sitting by the campfire. "And who might you be? You're not local I hope." You say in a threatening tone. "I must say I kind of am, friend. My name is Mathias and I travelled to this island many years ago in search for Yamatai. I came across the islanders just like you and found out they were murderous cannibals. Since then, I avoid them by hiding and running away every time one comes near." Said Mathias. "That's good to hear Mathias." You say and you shake his hand "My name is Y/N and the girl is Lara." "You two must have endured a lot to get here. Here take some of the soup me and Sam made. It'll help you to keep your strengths up." "We'd love to." Lara says, and you two take a seat by the fire and eat the soup. When you are all done eating Sam looks at you in shock. "O my god Y/N, your arm and leg look awful." "It looks worse than it is." You say, but she doesn't accept this. "I took a first aid kid from the group in case you or Lara were hurt and needed help. I can patch you...." Lara interrupts her "I'll take a look at him Sam. It wouldn't be the first time I patched him up since we've got here." Sam agrees to this and gives Lara the first aid kid. "This is amazing." Lara says "painkillers, bandages, disinfectant, needle and thread the whole shebang!" she says and quickly takes out the disinfectant and the needle and thread. She starts to work on your wounds. "Just tell me when it hurts to bad okay?" she says calmly and she unwarps the sticks to keep your leg in place. But she couldn't hurt you. The touch of her hands made you feel so warm inside. You didn't notice it but you were staring at her again. Sam noticed it first and started to chuckle at this. Then Lara looked up and met with your eyes. "Everything still okay Y/N?" she asked concerned. You snapped out of It. "Uhh... yeah thanks I don't even feel anything." "That's good." She says and continues to work on your leg with the bandages. When she was all done with your leg she started working on your wounded shoulder. This didn't take very long and before you knew it you were as good as new. "Where did you learn to do things like this?" you ask Lara. Lara chuckles at this. "You would be surprised what you learn as a bartender." She says with a smile.

When you two were all done you started to talk with Mathias and Sam. "How did you find each other anyway?" asked Lara. "When I went looking for you, I didn't even know where I was going. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by a pack of wolves not too far from here and Mathias came to my rescue." Sam said. "Ah, it was nothing miss. I couldn't let an innocent girl die like that. Making as much sound as you can is the key." Mathias replied. "Since then, we stayed together. He's an archaeologist just like you Lara, and he knows so much about Himiko and Yamatai it's unbelievable." Sam says. "I heard you are the one who led this expedition miss Croft." Mathias said. "Congratulations Lara, you found the lost kingdom of Yamatai."

"I knew it!" Lara yelled. "Ican't wait to see the look on Whitman's face when I..." You looked at herconfused but then you started to feel it as well. You started to feel drowsyand your eyelids were getting very heavy. Lara fell to the ground and tried toget back up. Sam was already unconscious and but still remained in sittingposition. "Mathias what did you..." Lara uttered. "I'm sorrymiss Croft, but as a fellow archaeologist you must recognize how important missNishimura is to this island. But don't worry the sleeping agent will wear offin a couple of hours." Lara's eyelids closed as well and you were the onlyone left who saw what was happening. "You won't get away with this you sonof a bitch!" you yelled at Mathias. "Oh, I almost forgot about youY/N. The problem is I already have." He replies. "Don't you daretouch her motherfucker." You yell again. Mathias threw Sam over hisshoulders. "Tisk, tisk, you're a persistent one, aren't you?" he saidand he stomped on your face. Knocking you out.

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