Chapter 16 The Rescue

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The sun stood high above the island when you, Lara and Jessop headed back towards the abandoned village. It started to get warmer and you felt small lines of sweat drip down your face. You walked in front on the lookout for any Solarii troops lurking about, hacking away vines and traversing bushes toward the presumed right direction.

Along the way Lara and Jessop talked about the time Jessop worked with her father. Jessop had just gotten his license to be a pilot and his first assignment was to drop the famous archaeologist Richard Croft off near one of the pyramids in Egypt. Jessop was nervous, scared to screw up his first big assignment, but when he met Richard, he was nothing like he had imagined. He even calmed Jessop when he noticed how nervous he was. Jessop talked about how normal of a guy he was which made Lara smile, clearly recognizing her father in his story. Lara listened intently and laughed when Jessop told her how smart but clumsy the man could be at times. You looked at Lara. Hearing stories about her father really made her happy. "Even after what he did to himself and his family" you heard a small voice in your head say. You knew he would be proud of Lara, wherever he was. I bet he'd be worried too. Looking at the current situation but I guess it does match the life he used to live, you pondered.

After a while you came across a small bank of water inside the forest and pointed it out to Lara and Jessop. The water was clear as day and you headed toward it. "Good find Y/N, it'd be great to cool off for a bit." Lara said and she knelt down beside the water, putting her hands into it and cleaning her face. You knelt beside her and did the same. The water seemed clean. Jessop also knelt down beside you and rubbed some cooling water on his arms, sighing in relief. After you were all cooled of you helped Lara to her feet and started walking again. The small break really refilled your energy and you all walked noticeably faster.

After another while you pushed aside some leaves from a branch and saw the old village in the distance. "Finally." You said with a sigh of relief. "Is that it?" Jessop asked and you nodded. Jessop took a good look at the abandoned, overrun houses. "Shit, look at the size of it. Can't believe there aren't any people left here." Jessop said. You looked at the abandoned buildings too as you thought of the people who used to live here, hundreds of years ago.

You walked towards the village and yelled out for Roth. After yelling a few times, you heard his response coming from nearby. "I'm over here guys! Keep your voices down!" you heard Roth yell from inside one of the buildings. You walked towards it and noticed a certain smell hanging in the air, it was delicious. Your stomach instantly started growling.

You walked inside one of the small houses and saw Roth sitting at a campfire with a few chickens roasting above it. There was a big hole in the ceiling so the smoke could escape the room. You looked at the chickens and the smell almost had you drooling. You looked around the room and noticed the bloody workbench Roth had used to skin and clean the chickens. Roth looked up from the fire and noticed an unfamiliar face. He quickly drew his gun that laid by his side "Who the hell are you!? What do you want!?" he yelled. Lara quickly walked over to him and grabbed Roth's arm, trying to lower it. "This is captain Jessop, Roth. He came when me and Y/N send out the SOS. His plane just crashed and he wants to help us." Lara said trying to calm him. Roth looked at Jessop and his attitude towards him shifted. "Your plane crashed huh? That must have been the bang I heard a while ago. You were supposed to save us with that plane not crash the damn thing!" Roth exclaimed. Before Jessop could open his mouth to protest, Lara did instead. "There wasn't anything he could do. There were these clouds that formed around the plane and it got struck with lightning." Lara exclaimed slightly losing her temper. Roth still didn't look convinced by the story but he decided to change the subject. "What about Mathias' men? Did they give you any trouble?" Roth asked. "By trouble you mean they tried to rip my goddamn head off? Then yeah, they did. But luckily Y/N and Lara were nearby when those monsters found me." Jessop said. Roth looked at Lara and then at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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