Chapter 2 Silence Before The Storm

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It was around eleven o'clock when the Endurance crew was getting ready for bed. Roth, Grim and other ship staff went to bed in shifts. So that the ship would always have a few alert eyes. You picked up your toothbrush from your cabin and headed to the bathroom. You walked in and bumped into Lara, dropping her toothbrush and toothpaste to the floor. 'O god... I'm so sorry.' she udders. You became red as a tomato 'no it's my fault Lara. I wasn't looking where I was going.' and you picked up her things. You looked up at her face. She had left over toothpaste on her lip and chin. 'Uhm... Lara' you said awkwardly. 'Yeah?' she answered. 'You have a bit of-' and you pointed at her lip. She turned to the mirror that was hanging above the sink and wiped it away being embarrassed. She walked past you without looking at you. 'Uhh Y/N' you heard behind you. You turned around and looked at her. 'Goodnight' she says. 'You too' you smiled and started to brush your teeth. 'Damn, that was awkward' you thought. You were done brushing your teeth and you spat out the leftover toothpaste with water. The taste of the ship water was a bit weird so you did not dare swallow any. You looked back into the mirror above the sink and noticed Sam standing behind you. This made you jump and she laughed. 'You know, if you care for her, you should really work on your game man.' she snickered. You give her an irritated look and try to walk past her to your cabin but she stops you by grabbing your arm. 'Okay, okay maybe that was a little harsh. But I mean it Y/N. I care for Lara, allot. She's always with her nose in those books of hers. She needs to have some fun. I was kind of hoping you could be her first boyfriend ya know'. You start to get red again. 'Okay Sam... You've figured me out. But please don't say anything to Lara. I don't think she feels the same way okay.' you say with a bit of sadness in your voice. 'I mean what could she see in an electrician nerd like me? I'm not even good looking or anything'. Sam puts her hand on your shoulder. You clearly notice it hurts her seeing you like this. You three have been close since high school and always had each other's back. 'Listen Y/N, I think your totally wrong.' she said. 'I... I also don't know what she thinks. I mean that girl is an unsolvable puzzle sometimes. But she definitely notices you. I mean she stares at you all the time. And every time you're around she gets all insecure and flustered'. Hearing this brings a huge smile on your face that you try to suppress. 'Just go talk to her. Ask her what types of food she likes. What kind of history she's studying at the moment. Believe me one question about archaeology and she won't shut up.' Sam says smiling. 'Thanks Sam.' you give her a small hug 'I'll try tomorrow'. 'Don't be afraid if it gets a little awkward okay Y/N? Lara is a sociable girl. If she gets all insecure and red you will definitely know I'm right'. Sam says. You wish her goodnight and headed back to your cabin. Alex was already in bed. There were bunk beds in all the cabins. Each crewmember shared a room with someone else. Alex slept below and you on top. He is too afraid to sleep at the top because he fell out once as a kid. 'Damn bro, you took your sweet time.' he said when you entered your room. You climbed in the top bed. 'Just ran into some people.' you say vaguely. 'I bet it was Lara. Your face is all red.' he laughed. 'Just shut up man.' you say and you buried your head in your pillow. You didn't realize how tired you were. As soon as you laid down more comfortable you fell asleep. Not knowing of the danger, you were about to be in. 

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