Chapter 3 The Dragon's Triangle

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You were woken by a loud crash. Everything in your cabin that was stored on shelves fell to the ground because of the shock. You were lucky enough you did not fall out of the top bunk. Alex was already awake and jumped out of his bed with a disoriented look on his face. "What the hell was that!" he yelled looking at you stressed. "I have no clue, Alex!" you answered, "Maybe we've hit something". "I don't know bro I'm getting major Titanic vibes!" he said "I'm gonna look for Roth and find out what the hell is going on!" Alex said and he ran to the door "you should go look for the others, and see if they're alright". You nodded and jumped out of bed. You put on a shirt that was lying next to your bed and ran into the hallway. Another very loud bang ringed throughout the ship and you fell to the ground. "I've got to find the others," you thought. However, there was something wrong, when you tried getting back to your feet you noticed your hands were wet. The ship had a leak! Water was flowing into the ship! Panic started to fill your body and you ran as fast as you could towards the sleeping quarters of your friends.

A few hallways further you bumped into Jonah, the cook of the Endurance. "Jonah! What the hell is going on!" you yelled. "I don't know Y/N, we must have crashed into something!" he yelled. "I'll go check up on Reyes and Whitman. Their cabins are below! You go seek Sam and Lara! We have an emergency longboat at the end of the ship. When you find Sam and Lara go meet us there!" he yelled. You nodded your head in agreement and ran towards Sam and Lara's cabin. Water was flowing into the ship at a rapid pace. Not long thereafter, the power was going out. It was dark for a few seconds then the red emergency lights came on. You ran as fast as you could but the water kept rising. You finally arrived at their cabin and what you saw horrified you. Sam was pulling at the cabin door as hard as she could but could not open it with this much water around her. You were taller than she was so the water was only at your waist while her chest was almost covered. "Lara!" she shouted. You made your way to her as fast as you could. "O my god Y/N! You have to help me! I was outside our room when the crash happened! I think the door is busted or something! Lara is still inside!" she screamed in agony. You stood next to her and started pushing the door as hard as you could with Sam, but the door wouldn't budge. "Please help me!" you heard from inside. "Keep calm Lara everything will be alright!" you shouted. "I'll find something to crank this door open! Sam, you stay here and keep pushing!" you shouted. She nodded and you started to swim to an equipment room down the hall. You swam inside but did not see a thing with the lack of lighting. You held your breath and swam under water. To your panic, there was not much you could use. You started to lift some boxes and engine tools in dire need to find anything useful. Then it happened. You found a crowbar. You had a feeling everything was going to be all right but then another very loud crash rang throughout the ship. The water was rising so fast now that you only had a very small space of air left above you. Your nose almost hit the ceiling every time you gasped for air. You were swimming as fast as you could with the crowbar in your hand. When you returned to Lara's cabin, you slammed your fist on the door "Lara! Are you okay?!" you shouted. You did not get a response, which worried you. Without a second thought, you slammed the crowbar in between the door and doorpost. You cracked the door open with all your strength. When you got inside you still didn't see Lara. You dived underwater and you saw her trapped under the room's closet that had fallen over. She looked panicked and reached her arms out to you. You took her hands and pulled as hard as you could. After a few pulls you felt the closet slowly sliding off of her. You pulled her from the rubble, which took, allot of effort. She was terribly weakened, the only thing she could do was hold onto you tightly. You quickly swam back up, she gasped for air. You looked at Lara who was still panicking "Hold onto me Lara, we're going to get out of here!" She nodded and put her arms around your waist again. You quickly swam back to the corridor. Now the fear of dying was very high. The corridor was dark even with the emergency lights so you did not know where you were or where you were supposed to go. Then you heard a very loud metallic tearing sound. The boat was splitting in two from the middle, and the side that you were on was capsizing vertically. Water was seeping out of the boat so it was easier to breath but the footing you slowly got back became steeper and steeper. The ground was getting so steep that you and Lara had to stand with your backs against the wall behind you. Then a miracle happened. You saw a Roth at the other end of the ship that had broken off. The other side looked much safer and he gestured for you and Lara to run over to him and jump to the other side. Lara saw this too but she looked at you not knowing what to do. "Okay Lara! We need to get on the other side, it's our only way out! Roth will help you just trust me!" She looked at him than back at you hesitantly but eventually she nodded. Lara started running toward Roth and the other side of the ship. You thought that she would make it. The jump wasn't that far, the tear wasn't that big and Roth had his hand reached out to her. You sighed in relief when you saw her jump and grab Roth's hand. But you saw what was happening. The look on Roth's face... he couldn't hold her. You saw Lara slowly slip between his fingers. You didn't hesitate and ran to the edge of the ship. When Lara fell into the depths of water below you jumped right behind her. She looked you in the eyes with a horrified look on her face. She thought for sure she was going to die. The jump was far and dangerous but you did it anyway. You did not think about what you were doing, just wanted to save her. It didn't matter what it took. Lara hit the water hard, and a few seconds later, you did so as well. You opened your eyes underneath the surface and you saw Lara's unconscious body. Her eyes were closed, slowly sinking to Davey Jones' locker. You swam to her. You grabbed her arm and swam to the surface as fast as you could. When surfacing she still didn't open her eyes. You were worried it was too late. You slapped her lightly in the face hoping for a reaction but she did not respond. The water was rough and powerful so it was impossible to help her here. The only thing you could do was hold onto her as tightly as possible while the waves were taking you away aggressively.

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