Chapter 9 The Solarii

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It slowly began to rain in the forest. Raindrops started to fall from the tree leaves, slowly onto your face. After a few drops you slowly started to wake up. Your face still hurt like hell from the kick Mathias gave you. You look over your shoulder and you saw that the fire had gone out and that Mathias took Sam and all the supplies as well. "Fucking asshole." you said and slowly started to get up. You saw Lara laying a few meters away from you. "Lara!" you said worried. You quickly walked over to her and knelled down beside her. She was still unconscious and her right eye was bruised and swollen. Mathias must have kicked her as well, for good measure. You slowly rubbed her arm back and forth "Lara... Wake up." you said to her and after a few seconds she slowly started to open her eyes. She couldn't fully open her bruised eye and this saddened you. "She was the kindest person you've ever known. She didn't deserve all this." You thought. "Aah... my head." she exclaimed and she put her hand on her head and then over her eye. This made her flinch. "Where are Sam and Mathias, Y/N?" she asked and you helped her up. "They're gone. I have no idea why Mathias would kidnap Sam. And he also took all our supplies." you said. "That basterd." Lara exclaimed. "We need to go after them. We need to find Sam before he hurts her." You say and Lara nods.

You two strapped your weapons back on and headed out again. "You were in luck Mathias didn't take them as well." After you walked a few minutes the radio on Lara's hip started screeching. "This is Roth of the Endurance, is anyone there, copy?" Lara quickly grabs the walkie-talkie and replies "Yes Roth, this is Lara and Y/N. We ran into Sam a few hours ago, but we lost her. She's been kidnapped by some strange man named Mathias." "You gotta be shitting me." Roth says frustrated. "Where are you know? Do you guys have any idea where that basterd could have taken her?" "We really don't know Roth. We... Aaahh!!" Lara screamed.

You turned around and looked at her shocked face. You looked at her leg and it was stuck in a beartrap. Lara quickly fell to the ground, dropping the walkie-talkie and trying to free her leg from the trap. "Hello? Lara is everything alright, over?" you heard Roth's voice say over the dropped radio. Lara started to panic and you knelt beside her. "Okay, calm down Lara." You said trying to calm her heavy breathing a bit. "How can I be calm Y/N?! My fucking leg is stuck in a beartrap!" she yelled angrily. "Let go! I'll get you free." You looked at the trap but there wasn't a release latch. You put your hands around the jaws of the trap and tried to force it open. This took allot of strength and your hands started to bleed because of the sharp teeth. Lara started to cry of pain. You let go of the trap, it was way too strong to crack open. But then you heard a chilling sound coming from the woods.

The cries of wolves. This was bad, very bad. You quickly snagged Lara's bow from her back and laid a few arrows beside you. "Be quiet Lara." You said to her and she tried to control her breathing. You listened intensely, for any sound that could give away their location. After a few seconds wolves jumped out of the bushes and tried to attack you and Lara. You were faster than ever. You're not even that good with a bow but the adrenaline and the need to protect Lara made you a better shot than ever. You quickly shot two wolves in the head who were coming for you. "Y/N, over here!" you looked behind you and saw that Lara was being stalked by two wolves as well. You shot one of them in the head. And the other one jumped at Lara but you were quick enough to shoot it mid-air. Lara sighed in relief and you quickly knelt back beside her to work on the beartrap.

You took a few deep breaths and tried again. You put all your strength in it this time and started grunting because of the force. But then it happened, the trap slowly started to open again. This was not the moment to give up so you put every inch of strength into it you had left, and finally the trap was open far enough to release Lara. She put her hands around her bleeding leg. You wanted to crawl next to her to help her but then you heard voices coming from a distance.

"Hello? Who's there? Lara? Is that you?" you heard a familiar voice say. Jonah, Reyes, Alex, Grimm and Whitman came out of the bushes into the clearing. They had large machine guns and pistols strapped to their belt, and you instantly felt more save. "Jesus Christ, what happened?" Alex asked. "There were a bunch of wolves and Lara got stuck in a beartrap." You say and Jonah sits beside Lara. "That doesn't look so good. We have some supplies let me take a look at it." he said. Jonah who was a way better doctor than you ever were, started to clean and bandage the wound. "Okay, it's clean now. And it won't get infected this way, but it'll be sore as hell for a while little bird." he said. "Let's start a fire so you can rest. That leg won't heal itself you know." Reyes says.

You and Jonah help Lara to her feet and carry her back to the campsite you just left. Reyes and Alex started making a fire and doctor Whitman kept mumbling "fascinating..." when he took a closer look at the markings on an old ruin nearby. Jonah gave you a box of ointment. "Here, you go help Lara with that black eye. I'll go and see if there's any food around here." He said and headed off into the woods with his machine gun. You sat next to Lara at the campfire. You showed her the ointment and asked "may I?" Lara smiled at this "Planning on returning the medical favour?" "I wouldn't really see it as repaying you. Seeing that you took care of deep cuts and this is just a bruised eye." You say jokingly. "Just shut up and help me Y/N." she said and you began rubbing the ointment on her face. When her eye was covered in the grey liquid she asked "How do I look? Is it too noticeable?" You took a good look at her and said "You look perfect." She blushed at this. You started to blush as well "Well you know considering your eye is in bad shape and all..." "Aah, alright then." She said and looked away. You felt really dumb. You should have said she was perfect. You finally had a chance and you blew it. You looked at Alex who was poking the fire. "Smooth lover boy." He mouthed with a wink. Lara's and Reyes' radio started to screech and Roth was back on the other side. Reyes explained what happened and that they had found you and Lara and that Sam was missing. After a while Jonah came back with a big deer on his shoulder. "I guess I'll skin it as well. Since no one here knows how to do it properly." Reyes gave him her knife and he slowly started to peal the skin from the deer. "Y/N, can you go take a look what's keeping Whitman? He's been out there for way too long." Reyes asked. You actually didn't want to leave Lara alone. You wanted to say something and looked at Lara for answers. "Don't worry Y/N. I'll keep an eye on her. She's perfectly safe here." Said Reyes and Lara nodded. You stood up but Lara quickly grabbed your hand. "Please be careful out there, Y/N. We both know how dangerous this island can be." You gave her hand a slight squeeze. "I'll be fine Lara. Just keep my spot warm." You said and gave her a wink. Lara turned red again and gave you a warm smile. "They'll get this spot over my dead body Y/N." she said. This made you blush as well and you headed in the woods with a warm feeling. "You felt like you couldn't hold it in much longer. The only thing you thought about since you left Britain was Lara and spending so much time with her on this island made your bond and that urge to tell her how you felt even stronger. "I can' take it anymore. I'll tell her tomorrow after a good night's rest and when we've found Roth and Sam. There are too many things going on to tell her now." You thought.

You headed out in the direction Whitman went off to and quickly found him deciphering weird scribblings on a wall in some old ruins. "He, Whitman you have to come back to camp man. Dinner's almost ready." You say and walk over to him. "Oh, hi Y/N. I didn't notice I was gone for that long. Look at these writings on the wall they're immensely fascinating. "I wonder what's behind that door." he said and he pointed at a door a few meters away. You noticed it had to be opened with to cranks. "Well, I guess we can take a quick look before dinner. I mean it'll take a while before Jonah skinned that bad boy." And you and Whitman walk over to the door. Whitman grabs one of the cranks "Ready?" he asks. You walk over to the other crank post and notice it was missing its handle. "We need to find something else to use as a handlebar." You say and you started looking for a thick stick or anything like that. Whitman took a quick look at your belt. "That baseball bat looks sturdy enough. Why not give that a try Y/N?" You looked at the metal weapon hanging from your belt. "Good thinking Whitman." And you put the bat in the hole of the missing handlebar and you started to turn together. The door slowly opened and when it was open all the way you took a quick look inside. The room was filled with more scribbles and a few chests. Whitman opened one and gold poured out of it. "I can't believe it." Whitman uttered "I'm saved." He said with an even softer voice. When he shut the chest again and walked over to another one you heard something behind you.

"You two! Drop your weapons!" you looked behind you and you saw a few strange looking men standing a few feet away with heavy weaponry aimed at your heads. "They must be islanders from the looks of them." You thought to yourself. "Well, well, well look boys they found our treasure room." "We didn't mean to steal anything. Honest to the good lord himself." Whitman whimpered. "It's good we don't believe in any lord around here then, old man. Himiko is the one true leader of the Solarii."

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