Chapter 15 Captain Jessop

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You two ran as fast as you could. Past countless trees, through bushes and underneath branches trying to shake of the pursuing Solarii. You ran behind Lara so you could protect her in case they shot at you. You didn't know how many were following you though, you two were running your guts out, there was no time to look back. You heard the Solarii run after you when you left the monastery but you quickly lost them in the woods, using the trees to shake them off. After half an hour of running you looked behind you and you told Lara to stop. "I think we lost them sweetie." you said. "Yeah, I think so to Y/N." she replied and both of you fell to the ground gasping for air, grabbing your sore sides.

You laid there for a few minutes catching your breath, listening to the nature around you and possible pursuers. After another few minutes of not hearing any, you two were sure to be save. "Are... Are you alright Lara?" you asked in-between gasps. Lara opened her mouth. She wanted to say she was fine but the words just wouldn't come out. She took a deep breath, but still no words came out. You looked at her and a tear dropped from her eye. It was horrible seeing her like this. She was clearly in pain because of everything that had happened. You crawled over to her and checked her body for injuries. "What is it, Lara? Are you okay?" you asked concerned. But she didn't answer. She had been holding back these tears for a while and everything came out at once. You knelt closer beside her and held her. "It's okay sweetie. I'm here. Just let it out. All of it." you said in a soothing voice trying to calm her, holding her tightly.

"I just... I don't... How... How do you do it Y/N?" Lara asked and she looked up at you. Her eyes were red as tears rolled down her cheeks. "How do I do what sweetie?" you asked. "Back at the monastery... It was so horrible. When I escaped. I killed so many of them. Some even begged for their lives. Saying they had a family on the main land, only following Mathias to go back to them. And I... I just did it. I killed them without even thinking twice. How do you keep going after that? Killing countless people like that without skipping a beat." Lara uttered and she berried her head into your shoulder.

You had never seen her this upset before. The Lara you know was strong and never doubted herself. You rubbed her back softly, trying to make her feel as much at ease as possible, feeling her soft body but also the scars the island had left onto her. This made her feel a little bit better as she wasn't shaking as much as before. Lara looked up at you. You both looked each other in the eyes. Even now she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. You wanted to stay with her like this forever. You didn't want her to go through all of this. If you had known what this island would do to her you would have turned the ship right around back to England as soon as you left port. But it was too late for that. You still held Lara as tightly as you could with both arms wrapped around her. "To be honest I don't know either sweetie. Before coming here, I didn't even think I could kill anything." you said and Lara gave you a little smile. "I still try to be who I am, like I was back at home. I don't want to hurt anyone. Not even the Solarii, but if we don't kill them, they'll kill us, or worse. Every time I come across one of them, I try to not think about it. I think about the people we lost. Grim, Alex... shit even Whitman. And then I think about the people who I can't lose. The people I have to fight for. Like Sam, Roth, Reyes, Jonah... And you most of all Lara." you said and Lara gave you a warm smile. You placed your thumb on Lara's face and wiped away her tears. She looked up at you and quickly wrapped her arms around you. She pulled you in toward her and before you knew it her lips were on yours. You two kissed long and passionately without either of you letting go. Her lips felt soft and incredible onto yours.

Her face was wet with tears but you didn't care. You wrapped your hands around her waist and pulled her in closer. After a few minutes Lara pushed you onto the floor and crawled on top of you. She wrapped her arms around your neck and continued kissing you while you tightly put your hands onto her sides. Both of you had longed for this moment for so long and now that it was here no one could take it from you. You and Lara just couldn't stop kissing. Lara's hands went from your neck to your arms and onto your chest. The moment was so passion filled, before you two knew it your tongues slowly touched the other's. You two just laid there as you kept on kissing. A few months back you could only fantasise about this moment. Being too shy and worried what she might think if you'd ever tell her the truth. But now you didn't care. You both knew these could be your final days alive, and you wanted to spend them together. Showing how much you cared for one another. Before you knew it you grabbed Lara's shoulders and pinned her to the floor with you being on top now. Lara was a bit surprised by the move but looked impressed. "You're stronger than you look Y/N." she said with a cheeky smirk. "I'm full of surprises miss Croft." you said and Lara laughed at this. Seeing her laugh made you the happiest man in the world. "Just shut up and kiss me." she said before pulling you into another passionate kiss.

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