Chapter 6 Searching the Others

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Lara was carrying you through the cave. Your leg was killing you and you were hoping you'd find the exit fast. After a while, you and Lara came across a huge pile of dead bodies. Lara looked horrified "These people are crazy" she said. "Yeah, that's an understatement" you replied. "Come on we're almost there." she said and she carried you further. Then you finally saw the exit, it was daytime already and the sunlight was shining into the cave. "There it is!" Lara exclaimed and you two started walking faster. When you finally were outside the sunshine felt amazing. The cave was cold and damp so to finally breath in fresh air was a relief. Lara put you down on a rock so you could rest. "Okay... Now to find the others Y/N. I don't suppose you have any clue where they could have docked?" she asks, you shake your head. "I guess we just have to start searching for them." you say and Lara nods. She looks at your leg "let me take a quick look at your leg. You took a nasty fall" she says. You also look at your busted-up leg, you can't see anything because your pants hid the wound but you don't even want to know what it looks like underneath. "What don't you trust me?" Lara says with a joking expression. She made you laugh. Even in college when things looked very gloomy, she always managed to do so. That was one of the things you admired most about Lara. She always made the people around her feel better even when the situation wasn't salvageable. "Of course, I trust you." you say smiling. She crouches next to you and she starts to roll up your pants. Your knee wasn't looking good. It was blue and purple and was swollen to hell. "Damn Y/N, that's a bad sprain" she says. She slightly touches the bad spot and this makes you twitch. "Please don't do that again" you say with a painful expression. "I'm sorry I won't. All we need is something to support it, so it doesn't need to carry all the weight. Roth always told me to take sprained limbs very seriously" she picks up a few sticks and a few vines from a nearby tree and starts to wrap it around your leg. While she is doing this, she's looking you in the eyes and you stare back "just say the word if it's too tight okay?" When she was done with your leg, she stood up and said: "alright this'll keep you on your feet for now." You thank her and she helps you up. "We must go after the others" you say "god knows how long we've been in that cave. The faster we catch up the better." "Alright I suggest we stay close to the shoreline; we need to find where they docked, that'll be a good starting point. Maybe they left something behind. Something to indicate where they could have gone." Lara said. You agree and you try to walk. It's a bit wobbly with your pinned-up leg but you can keep your balance. "Are you sure you don't want any help? I don't mind carrying you" Lara Asks. "You helped me plenty enough already Lara. I'll be fine, thank you." she smiled at this while you two continued onward.

After a short while, you see the path blocked by a giant plane that crashed into a waterfall. The only way forward was to climb the vertical hanging machine. You saw Lara was hesitant and you put your hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll go first to see what parts are safe to climb." you say to reassure her. She nods; she clearly feels more at ease and follows you to the plane. You took one final look at her before you started climbing the plane. The process was a lot slower with your bad knee but you could manage. "Watch your step, okay?" you say to her as she climbs the plane with you. You were almost at the top where the path continued. You jumped off and landed hard on the grass. Your knee was still in bad shape and the landing did not help. Lara, was almost at a high enough spot to jump as well. She smiled at you when she saw you landed safely. She wanted to jump too but at that moment, the plane started to shake and fall apart. Cracks were forming on the top and side where Lara was hanging. "LARA JUMP NOW!" you screamed. Lara, acting on instinct jumped immediately, but she wasn't high enough. She noticed this as well and she reached her hands out to you. Without hesitation, you jumped forward to the edge of the cliff and reached out your hand. You were just in time, and were able to grab her hand before she plunged into the deep waters below. "I've got you! Don't worry I'll pull you up!" you reassured her. Lara was clearly in shock of what just happened. Your arm was still bleeding allot but by your sheer willpower, you were able to pull her up. When you pulled her next to you onto the cliff she was clearly in shock. She laid down next to you and after a few minutes she was finally able to calm down. "I thought I was a goner" she exclaims all out of breath. "That's the third time you saved my life since we've got here. Will I ever be able to repay the favour." she says and smiles at you. "Don't mention it, Lara. And besides you already did plenty." you say pointing at your leg. She smiles at this but she still didn't look satisfied. "It's not fair. I want to be there for you too. I only held you back up to this point." she says in a sad tone. "Are you kidding?!" you burst out "Holding me back? How am I supposed to do this without you!" Lara can't help but crack a smile and turn a bit red "you really mean that?" she asks. "Of course, I do! We're in this together!" Lara looks into your eyes and you did the same. Her big beautiful brown eyes caught you off guard and you start to blush. "I think we should start looking for Sam and the others." she says trying to break the awkward tension. She stands up and offers a hand to help you up. She helps you and pulls you in a tight hug right away. "Thank you, Y/N. I couldn't do this without you." she says in your ear. This makes you turn bright red. "You need to believe in yourself more Lara. I'm sure you can do thing you never even imagined." you replied. You don't want to let go off her, so she could see your face. "Thank you, Y/N. We should keep going" she says and let's go off you. It makes you smile to see her blushing as well and you continued walking down the path.

After fifteen minutes of walking, you jumped when Lara yelled "over there!" out of nowhere pointing at a few docked boats. "Those are our longboats. They can't have gone far!" she says. You walk over the boats as fast as possible. "Okay, look for any clues where they could have gone Lara." You say and you two start to check out the three boats. The two boats you checked out didn't have anything significant in them. "Y/N I've found something come quick!" she said. You walk over to her and stand next to her. She holds up an old brown, deprecated rucksack "This is Sam's" she says. You two open it and find some water, a few matches and a walkie-talkie with a note strapped onto it. Lara opens the note and reads:

Dear Lara / Roth/ Y/N,

We were just able to get off the ship safely with these lifeboats. Me, Alex, Reyes, Jonah, Whitman and a few other crewmembers docked here around twelve AM and started looking for you. We couldn't find anyone so we decided to look further inland. Do you see those high trees in the distance?

You two both looked up to the trees in the distance and nodded.

That's where we went. We tried to leave some food for you but we could only salvage a few bottles of water from the ship. We also left a walkie-talkie for you so you could contact us. Alex already set it to the same frequency we're using. But don't worry if you can't contact us right away. He said the signal was bad because of the storms. Please be alright and I hope we found you before you get this letter. I hope you can get to us safely.

Your Friend,


"Alright, now we know where to look." Lara says determent. She helps you up and start walking towards the trees Sam mentioned. "I'll try the radio." You say while turning on the device. "Hallo? Sam, Reyes, Jonah anyone?" you ask into the walkie-talkie. You only hear static. You try a few more times but don't get any answer. "I guess the signal isn't working at the moment." Lara said. After an hour of walking, it started to get dark and it started to rain. You and Lara took shelter in a mountain that was overlooking the forest. You put down Sam's backpack and started to make a fire. You collected a few wooden sticks that were dry enough and you struck a match. You threw it into the fire and started blowing to give the flame more life. Soon thereafter, the fire was nice and warm. Lara sat next to you to warm herself. You heard her stomach growl. "We need to eat something or we'll starve to death Y/N." she said. You stood up and headed down to the forest. "Where do you think you're going?" Lara yelled behind you. "I'm going to hunt something for us." you said. "With a bat? You have to be kidding me. Plus, with that leg you won't be able to keep up with anything worthwhile." She said with a smirk. "That's why I'll be joining you".

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