Chapter 4 An Unknown Island

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You definitely thought this was the end. The waves were throwing your bodies from left to right. You tried to hold on to Lara, but you felt your grip weaken. The current was too strong. You could only hold on to the edge of her shirt. You prayed for a miracle, and after a few seconds it was answered. You felt your footing return. You were struggling not to pass out, and you looked up. It was dark but lightning strikes allowed you to see in the far distance. You were on a beach, on an island with high mountains. You were insanely tired but you had to push through for the both of you. You wrapped Lara's arm around your neck and you dragged her onto the beach. You laid her down whipping her hair out of her face. You listened at her mouth but she wasn't breathing. You tried to remember the CPR training you got a few years ago at school. You put your hands on her chest and started pushing and counting. You blew a few times in her mouth and started pushing again. She still didn't move and you were starting to panic. "Please Lara... Don't do this to me" you said under your breath. You gave her mouth to mouth once more and finally she started to cough loudly. "O my God, Lara!" you yelled overjoyed. You put her on her side and she started to cough up more and more water. When she was done, she looked up at you. "Y/N...." she uttered she started to sob softly. You lifted her so she could sit up. She pulled you into a tight hug. "You saved me" she cried "I thought I was dead". You held onto her tightly "No way I would let that happen Lara" and you felt a tear flow on your cheek as well. When you two finally let go of each other and noticed the other was crying as well you started to chuckle. You wiped away her tears with your thumbs and she smiled at you warmly. You stood up and helped Lara to her feet. She was still a bit shaken up. She looked around and saw the high mountains and lighting strikes in the distance. "Where are we?" she asked. "You're the archaeologist Lara... You tell me". 

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