Chapter 1 Tension Brewing

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A ship called the Endurance slowly moved through the ocean. It was night-time already and the crew was scattered all over the ship. Alex, Reyes and Y/N were sitting in the kitchen playing poker. While Lara, Sam, Roth, Doctor Whitman and Grim were discussing the best sailing course in the dining room. 'Full house chumps' said Reyes while laying her cards on the table. You let out a disappointing groan. You thought you definitely had her this time. You and Alex gave her the last of your chips and the game was over. 'Goddamit Reyes, let someone else win for a change huh?' said Alex bitter. 'Uhm... No... Why would I when I am clearly the best' she said while snickering. 'Care for another round Y/N? Alex is a sore loser' she said while folding the cards again. 'I'll pass Reyes. I think I am gonna check on the others' you said and you stood up. The arguing in the next room was getting louder. 'Please make sure they don't kill each other Y/N. I guess we'll check up on the engine.' Alex said and he and Reyes went downstairs.

You went in the dining room. It was the biggest room on the ship. The room had a huge table and many chairs. Maps, drawings and navigation equipment were spread all over it. You saw Lara and Whitman arguing about the current coordinates. You've known Lara and Sam for a long time. You went to high school together. She didn't know it but you had a little crush on Lara. She was smart, funny, sweet and beautiful. You don't think she likes you the same way though. That's why you never told her. However, you think Sam is on to you. She made remarks indicating that fact often. 'There's no point in following other people's footsteps Whitman! So please just try to hear what I'm saying!' Lara shouted. The professor who was getting irritated shouted back 'I'm sorry Miss Croft but I think you are forgetting who is financing this trip of yours! You listen to me or I will pull the plug on this operation'. Roth stepped in front of Lara 'watch your tongue Whitman. You are forgetting that you are standing on my ship! You may have the money... However, I trust Lara's instincts much more than I do yours. So just sit down and listen to what the lass has to say!' Whitman was clearly intimidated by this and did what Roth commanded. There was an awkward silence. They did not notice you were in the room so you decided to cut the tension 'I see the meeting is going smoothly'. Lara looked up and was clearly happy to see you. 'Already done playing cards, I, see?' she said grinning. 'Yeah... Did not stand a chance' you replied. 'Could you give us your opinion Y/N? We are split on the direction we should sail into Yamatai.' she said. 'Well with split I mean the doctor's the only one who doesn't agree.' You laughed at this and let her continue. She pointed at the map 'I think we should sail into the Dragon's Triangle like this.' she pointed in a straight line. 'This is the fastest way and no one has done it before. Of course, it is also much more dangerous because the Triangle is, to this day, a very mysterious peace of ocean. The doctor here wants to sail around the triangle. This will not only take four more days. It is what other travellers have done as well. It is safer yes but we will definitely miss the island that way. What do you think?' she asked. You looked into her big brown, beautiful eyes. Of course, you would not refuse her plan. 'I think you're right Lara. If we just follow other people's footsteps, we will definitely come up empty handed. I'm willing to take the risk if the rest does so as well.' you answered. Lara gave you a big smile and the rest agreed. 'Alright then' said Roth 'we will hit the triangle around midnight. Everyone please be cautious. These are unknown seas we are about to traverse so stay on your guard. Whitman walked away angrily and Sam gave you a pat on the back. She whispered in your ear 'I knew you wouldn't refuse Lara' she said with a smirk. She also walked away. A few moments later, you were alone with Lara who sat down studying the maps on the table intensely. You walked over to her 'Hey Lara, how are you holding up?' She looked up at you 'I'm good, but that prick Whitman is really getting on my nerves. He keeps blabbering on about how he won fancy archaeology awards and that we should all listen to him. He cannot even recognize when he's wrong. Man, he really gets under my skin' she said irritated. 'I can see that. Either way I think your plan is better. Just like Roth, I trust you much more than some nut job who thinks he knows everything' you said to calm her. 'You really think so?' she said. 'I know so Lara.' you responded. You saw Lara grow a little pink and decided to not make this awkward. 'I'm going to check on Alex below. I bet he needs some help with the engine.' and you walk to the door. 'Hey Y/N...' Lara called out. You turned around at the door 'yeah?' 'Thank you.' she said smiling warmly at you. You nodded and walked out the door to check on Alex.

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