Chapter 5 Lost

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She looked at the mountains thinking of where you could have been stranded. Then she looked up at you "we must be on an island inside the Dragon's Triangle! Yamatai can't be far now!" she exclaims. You noticed how excited she was because of this, knowing she and her father were right all along. "That's great Lara." you tell her "But we must find Roth and the others! They can't have gone far." she nods and looks at your shoulder. "You're hurt" she says with a sad expression. You look at your right shoulder and see a bloodstain on your shirt. "I must have scraped myself on a rock or something. It's nothing Lara." you say but she still isn't convinced. "As soon as we'll find the rest, I'll be able to patch you up. Just try to not move it too much." she says and looks at you worried. You smile at her trying to comfort her, she smiles back at you. This gives you a warm feeling deep inside. You wanted to tell her how you felt so badly. You jumped after her into the depths of the ocean without even thinking of the repercussions. "Lara... I uhh..." you begin. She looks at you with her big brown eyes "Yes Y/N?" "I... I really l..." you try to tell her but it's the hardest thing you had ever done. Lara noticed where you were going and started to get a little pink. The words just won't come out of your throat. You see Lara look past you and see fear in her eyes. You are confused and try to turn around. But when you did you felt something hard and cold hit your head. The smack on your head made you fall to the ground. You didn't instantly lose consciousness but your eyesight was getting worse every second. You could kind of hear Lara still "Who the hell are you?! What the fuck did you do that for! She screamed. But that was the last thing you heard and everything went dark.

You felt you were dragged by your feet. You wanted to stand up and fight the man that was dragging you but your head was still too fussy. Drops of water fell on your face a few times. You felt you were being tied up in rags and hung upside down. You heard the rope while you were pulled up and the rags were getting tighter around your body. After a while you slowly woke up. It took a while to see everything clearly but when you did you were frightened. You were hung upside down about ten feet in the air. And on the other side of the room there was Lara in the same predicament. You looked at the filthy rags you were tied in and it was covered in blood at your shoulder area. Your head began to hurt for being upside down so long, you had to do something. "Lara!... Lara!" you whispered as hard as you could. She slowly started to come too. She looked at her surroundings and then at you "O my God Y/N? What's happening?" You saw she was getting spooked and you tried to ease her "It's okay Lara, I'll get us out of here." you said bravely feeling anything but. She looked at your arm and her expression got worse "your arm is bleeding badly Y/N. We must get that fixed as soon as possible. Please be careful". You nodded at her. You looked at your surroundings and saw a nearby lit torch. Suddenly you got an idea. It was a stupid one but it might work. "I'm gonna swing to that torch Lara. That surely burn of these rags." you said. "Please be careful, okay?" she said worried and you started to swing back and forth. When you touched the torch, the rags strapped around your stomach and chest started to burn. You knew it was a stupid plan. You could feel the flames on your stomach, the heat was unbearable. After a while the fire started to spread and you felt the grip of the rags and rope loosen around you. After a few seconds the whole thing caught flame. The heat around your body was like torture and you screamed in agony. "Oh god Y/N please hold on!!" Lara screamed. The rags were getting looser and you started to fall down. The drop was big and you landed on the ground with a loud thud. "AAAH!" you screamed. You fell down in an awkward position and your left leg was badly bruised. "Are you okay?" Lara screamed worried. "Yeah fine." you replied with your eyes tearing up "I think I sprained my ankle or something. I'll lower you down" you said and wanted to walk to the spot Lara's trap was tied. Then your kidnapper walked around the corner. "What's all this racket..." he started but then noticed you freed yourself. "What the fuck are you doing!" he screamed and he held up a metal bat to your face. "He must've knocked me out with that before. But this time it'll be different" you thought. He lunged at you but you were able to dodge his attack. You kicked him in the back and made him drop his bat. You quickly picked the bat up and smacked him across the head with it. "That was close one, Y/N. Are you alright?" Lara asked observing the spectacle from upside down. "Yeah, fine Lara. I'll get you down" you said. The man was knocked out cold, and there was blood on the end of your bat. You wiped it clean with his shirt and picked up the belt he used to holster the weapon. When you put on the belt and the bat with it, you walked over to the post where Lara's rope was tied. You cut it loose and slowly started to lower her to the ground. When she was down you started to free her of the disgusting rags. When she was free, she pulled you in a tight hug. A day ago, this would make you blush, not knowing what to do. But you didn't feel any of that now. You were just glad she was okay, and you wrapped your arms around her. "I'm so glad you're okay Lara" you said in her ear. "So am I Y/N" she responded. You guys broke of the hug and she took a good look at you. "You're pretty banged up Y/N. We'll have to find a first aid kit so I can help you with those wounds." she said looking at the cuts on your face and your blue bruised ancle. "I'd like that." you said. "You can lean on me" she said "we have to get out of here." You nodded and put one arm around her neck. You two felt a gust of fresh air after walking around the cave. "The exit must be that way Y/N" Lara said. "Lead the way miss Croft." you said with a smirk. "Just shut up" she chuckled and you started walking. 

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