Chapter 7 A Good Night

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The rain stopped when you and Lara crouched next to each other in a bush beneath the mountain. Lara tapped you on the shoulder and pointed up. You looked up and you saw a decomposing body hanging upside down from a tree a bit in the distance. "Yeah? So, what Lara?" you asked. "Are you blind Y/N? Look on his back." she said and pointed up again. You looked again and you saw it, he had a bow. Before you stepped out of the bush, you listened if there was anyone around. You walked over to the skeleton. "I think it's better if I grab the bow." Lara said. You both looked at your busted-up knee and wounded shoulder. "You know I think that might be best." you responded jokingly. Lara laughs at this "You're such a dumbass." she said. "It made you laugh so it was worth it." you joked. You stood against the tree with your back and you gave her a boost. It took her a few seconds before she finally patted you on the shoulder to put her down. When she came down, she showed you the bow. It looked very old and a few bits of the wood were starting to rot. "I hope you're good with that thing." you said. "Oh, I'm more than good Y/N my dad and Roth taught me a long time ago." she looked down with a bit of a frown. "I wish my dad was here Y/N, he always had solutions for these types of situations. I mean I don't even know if this is what he wanted me to be." she said in a sad tone. "Are you kidding me Lara?" you said. "He would have been so proud of you. I know I didn't know him that well but I read much about him. There was one thing I always read between the lines of those stories. He had passion for exploring and solving the world's mysteries. For a world-famous explorer to have a daughter with that same passion. I mean, how could he not be proud?" you said confidently. Lara looked up at you. You saw her having tears in her eyes. Before you could react, she hugged you more tightly than ever. You hugged her back but your embrace was disrupted by the sound of a breaking twig in the distance. You both let go instantly and turned around, looking into the big black eyes of a huge deer. "Get him!" you said to Lara and she started sprinting after the animal when it tried to get away. You were trying to keep up but your leg just wouldn't support it. After a few minutes you caught up with Lara. Both of you gasping for air. She was sitting on the ground collecting sticks. "What are you doing Lara? We already have enough for a fire later." you said confused. "It's not for a fire Y/N it's for arrows." she said. You looked a bit closer and you saw she was only collecting sticks that were pointy, thick and long enough. "I keep thinking, are you really this smart or am I just dumb?" you say jokingly. She laughs "Maybe a bit of both." she replies and winks.

After fifteen minutes you two went back to the camping spot, dragging the big deer behind you. You used the sharper arrows Lara made to skin the animal and not long after that you and Lara ate until your bellies just couldn't take any more. "That tasted great." you say and you lay back next to the fire. Lara nodded and moved next to you. "He Y/N?" Lara says. "What it is?" you say still laying back with your eyes closed. Lara laid herself down beside you. "What you said back there... About my father... It meant allot you know." she says. You open your eyes looking to your left into her big brown eyes again. You started to blush. "I... I'm glad it made you feel better." you say nervously. "Remember prom night at Gordonstoun?" she asks out of the blue.

Of course, you did. It was one of the happiest moments of your life. Lara, Sam and a few other friends of her snuck in some booze so they could have a good time. When the clock struck midnight, the DJ yelled through the speakers: "It's slow dancing time! Everyone, grab a partner and let's make this place steamy!" Lara who was already drunk, was pushed into you by Emma. You turned around and looked at each other. You both noticed you were on the middle of the dance floor while everyone was slow dancing romantically and you turned bright red. "Uhh... Do you want to dance Lara?" you asked nervously. To you surprise she nodded and danced with you. The moment was perfect. Even though neither of you knew how to dance, you still had a good time shuffling back and forth. This was your chance. You two had been friends for a long time and there were countless of flirtatious moments between you two during the past years. You wanted to kiss her and moved a bit closer. You swore to God she did the same thing. But when your lips almost touched and you closed your eyes. Some girl who was dancing next to you puked all over you two. Lara yelled at her in disgust, but you got the feeling she was madder that the girl ruined your smoking instead of her fancy dress. After that Lara went to the bathroom with a few girlfriends to clean up. You didn't see her again for the rest of the night. You went home alone in the rain after walking your friend's home. You didn't sleep that night. You made a move and you weren't even sure she felt the same. You thought you had ruined your friendship with her. It wasn't worth it. But the next day she texted you like nothing happened, claiming she was so hungover she didn't even remember putting on her dress or what the weird stains were. You were so relieved. Since that moment Sam has been teasing you for your feelings for her. But everything went back to normal and you three were once again great friends.

You almost forgot that moment until now, when Lara brought it up again. "You mean the prom when you were way too drunk? Of course, I remember." you say jokingly. Lara laughs "Yeah I remember too. That was a great night. And a great party before graduation." Lara eyes met yours again "You know I really wasn't that drunk as everybody says. I only had two glasses of wine." You look at her with big eyes "Oh no..." you thought. "I remember our dance Y/N. How we botch sucked at dancing. But I still loved every second of it. I wanted to kill that girl who vomited on us." When she says this your heart starts racing. "I really didn't have any friends at Gordonstoun before I met Sam and you. Most people were dicks and most guys started to treat you like shit when you didn't want to go out with them. But our dance on that old decrepit dance floor. I think that might be my fondest memory of that school." she says smiling looking up at the stars. You wanted to ask her if she remembers you trying to kiss her. "Lara..." you started but you were cut off by the radio that was hanging on Lara's hip. You heard allot of screeching and Roth's voice in between.

"Hallo?... Is anyone there? This is Roth of the Endurance. Is anyone out there, over?" he says. Lara quickly grabs the radio and starts "Roth! This is Y/N and Lara, we're save! We were kidnapped by some strange islander who strung us up! But we managed to escape. We're camped up in a mountain just a few minutes from a forest." "Lara thank God you two are save! I met up with Reyes, Jonah and the others. They are out looking for you two and Sam. Sam wanted to find you so badly she abandoned the group. She left a note saying she felt guilty for not getting you out of that room on the ship. Whatever you do don't come find us straight away. The island is filled with wolves and other animals that have the advantage at night. You and Y/N need to stay in that mountain and keep the fire lit! That scares off wild animals! We'll rest here for the night as well. We didn't come across a mountain, so the best solution now is for you two to keep heading inland and for us to keep searching here. That way we'll bump into each other soon enough." Roth concludes. "Alright Roth" you say "we'll stay here for the night and come looking for you in the morning, over." "That's good to hear Y/N. I'm counting on you to keep that girl save. She means allot to me." Roth says. "I'm sure the feeling is mutual old timer. But don't worry, she's tough, I think she's strong enough for the both of us." you say and Lara smiles at this. "Alright you two. Stay save and we'll see each other first thing tomorrow. Roth over and out".

Lara straps the radio back on her belt. You two looked at each other happily to know the others are okay, but still kind of mad that Sam went out on her own. "I can't believe Sam; I mean how daft can you be!" Lara says. "I mean, I understand she feels guilty for what happened on the ship but going out on your own when the island is filled with madmen and wild animals is just stupid." Lara says. "I agree Lara. But I kinda feel for her. It's a brave thing what she did." she looks at you annoyed "but not the smartest thing indeed." You and Lara talked a bit more about your time at Gordonstoun, you two laughed and joked at each other until it became very late. "We better get some sleep Y/N. Tomorrow will be another tough journey no doubt." You agree. "I'll take first watch and keep the fire lit, okay? You just take the comfiest space of rock you can find." she scoffs at this and picks up Sam's backpack as a pillow. She lays down and falls asleep almost immediately. She lays with her back turned to you, shivering a few times. She wrapped her arms around herself to be as warm as possible. "She must be cold. She's only wearing her tank from the ship." you thought and you pulled of your jacked and wrapped it around her. The jacket was dry enough to work as a makeshift blanket. It was warm enough by the fire anyway. You knew she wouldn't like it but you didn't wake Lara up for her shift at the bonfire. She deserved all the rest she could gather and you didn't feel tired. After all the things that happened today, you wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.

You were right. The next morning Lara was annoyed that you stayed up all night guarding the camp. But also, kind of grateful. "You can be such an idiot sometimes." She says and gives you a peck on the cheek. This made you blush and you quickly moved to put out the fire from last night, to not let her notice your face. You thought she didn't but of course she did. "Come on Y/N don't be shy. See it as a thank you." she said jokingly. You nodded but this made her laugh even harder. Lara picked up her bow, wrapped it on her back and put the radio on her belt. You put on Sam's backpack, strapped the metal bat on your belt and you two headed out again to find Roth, Sam and the others. 

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