Chapter 12 The Wolf's Den

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Was this the dumbest thing you had ever done? Probably. You took one look back at Lara with the unconscious Roth by her side. She looked at you as well and she gave you a warm smile but still looked worried. You wanted to smile back but you were too nervous. What you were about to do was absolutely insane. There was no turning back. You made her a promise. You would jump into danger for her any day so she wouldn't have to. You took out the pistol you had in the back of your pants and checked the clip. "Nine shots huh... Better make them count." you thought. You also readied your bat in case you would need it against the wolves. You looked up at the dangerous cliff. You placed your hands and feet against the rocky mountain and started scaling it.

You weren't the best climber. You climbed as slowly and carefully as possible. You had studied business and archaeology so anything physical was always out of your comfort zone. While you were climbing you remembered a time long ago, gym class. You had to climb ropes once. It was a sunny afternoon so you remembered the brightly lit gymnasium like it were yesterday. Of course, you had big trouble getting to the top and ring the bell that hung there. After fifteen minutes you were finally able to do it. When you got back down your gym teacher scuffed. "I'm sorry L/N I can't let you pass this test with that time." he said. You nodded and got to the back of the boys' line who didn't pass either and got to try again. Then it was Lara's turn. You remember her all too well. Just like you she didn't have any friends. The other girls of the class always called her a tomboy because she didn't have any interest in playing dress up or with dolls. Of course, Lara didn't have any trouble with the rope climbing. When the gym teacher told her to start, she almost flew to the top of that thing. The teacher was shocked to stop his stopwatch after only six seconds. He told Lara she should consider a career in gymnastics or something. He told her this many times and every time she shrugged and said she didn't much care for it. Lara walked over to the other girls who passed the test. When she got to the back of the line, Ashly Beasley pushed her and told her she should join the boys' line. The coach didn't see this and Lara pushed her to the ground as well. Of course, he did see that. He came up to her angrily and shouted this was unacceptable behaviour. Lara wanted to explain but he didn't listen. When the teacher told her to go to the principle, she stormed out of the gym angrily. "She's such a freak" you heard some boys from the line whisper among themselves. You never spoke to Lara back then but you did feel sorry for her.

To your amazement you managed to reach the top of the mountain. Your hands were all rough and bloody from the climb. You wiped them off on your pants and took your gun out. The night got darker and it started raining. In the distance you saw the wolves den Lara pointed out to you. "I can do this. Be strong. For her." you thought and you approached the entrance. You were terrified of going in. But Lara needed that pack for Roth. You took a deep breath and slowly headed inside. The den was cold and very dark. You took out the torch and lighter Lara gave you and lid it. But when the torch lid up the cave you were shocked to see what you were standing on. Countless skeletons and mauled on bodies were scattered all over the ground. This pack must be huge. The number of skeletons and bones you stood on were immense. You took another deep breath to gather all your courage. "I can't go back now. I need to help Lara and Roth." You thought and you continued down the path. The ceiling of the cave got lower and lower at every step until your only option of movement was crouching. The cave was bigger than you imagined. After a few minutes of crouching, you noticed the path splitting up into multiple directions.

"Damn it. How on earth do I find that backpack now. Combing out this place will take all night." you thought. But then you heard a familiar sound. Lara's radio started beeping. You held your breath to listen intensely. The sound came from to path to the right. "She must have put it in her bag before the wolves took it." You thought. You took another big breath to calm your breathing and headed down the path to the right. You didn't like the fact that you hadn't come across a wolf by now. This made you panic. Your hands gripped the gun you held tightly. "The wolves must have gone on a hunt. I must be long gone before they get back or I'm dogfood." You thought. After a few minutes of crouching and crawling you saw a red-light blink in the distance. "That must be Lara's radio!" you thought overjoyed and crawled to it as quickly as possible. It made a beam of light every time it rang out. When you got near you picked up the radio.

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