Chapter 10 Imprisoned

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The islanders didn't look friendly by the way they stared at you and Whitman. You looked at the doctor and he clearly didn't know that to do. He was terrified and he put his hands up high. "Please good sir we don't want any trouble. We didn't take anything from your treasury and we'll return to our camp immediately, I swear." He said shakingly. The mean looking islander in the front must have been their leader and he spoke again. "There will be no camp to return to, my friend. We have your friends and all your stuff. So, you better comply and come with us. Or I'll make sure they suffer the consequences." You were worried about Lara and the others but you didn't plan to come in quietly and you put your hand on the handle of your bat. "What did you do? Where are the others?" you yelled pretending to be braver than you were. "Looks like this one has some fight in him boys." The leader said laughing. "Better make sure he won't be any trouble." You heard leaves ruffle behind you and a few Islanders came out of the bushes. You and the doctor were surrounded now. "Okay, we'll come with you. But only if you promise to let me speak to your leader." Whitman said and he unholstered his pistol and put it on the ground. "What are you doing you imbecile! They are luring is into a trap!" You yelled at Whitman but then you were attacked from behind. The islanders quickly took away your bat and threw you to the ground. They started stomping on you. You couldn't move. You were kicked by so many feet and there was nothing you could do. "Come on boys that's enough. Help the kid up. He doesn't look so good." The leader said and the beating stopped and rough hands pulled you to your feet. They immediately tied your hands together so you couldn't try anything else. You were brought before their leader and you looked in his green evil eyes and he smirked. "We're going to take a little walk. So, you better behave kid." One of his men gave him your metal bat. "This is a fine weapon. I think I'll keep it." He said jokingly and hit you in the gut. "That was for good measure, so you won't forget who's the boss, kid." The leader signalled at his men to grab Whitman and you and to start walking in a line. After a few minutes of walking, you looked around you for a way to escape. But there was no way. The islanders behind you had machineguns pointed at you and the ones that were walking beside you had machetes. It was unbearable but you had to comply.

After fifteen minutes of walking the sun started to set. Which meant you didn't get any sleep all night. This made you weak and it was hard to make out the humongous structure you were walking towards in the distance. It was some sort of basecamp with immensely high walls, made of scrap metal. "That must be their camp." You thought. You wanted to keep walking but you were way too tired and fell to the ground. You were pulled back up quickly by some islanders and pushed for wasting time. After a short while you arrived at the high walls of their camp. You had to walk alongside them before you reached the huge doors. The doors were very impressive. They were held together by an opening mechanism that could only be activated from the inside. The leader of the small excavation group yelled the password "Himiko, our protector" and the doors opened. When you were walking by the walls you saw that they had walkways at the top, so they can see threats coming from miles away, and have a clear sight on people leaving. "It'll be a bitch to get out of here." You thought. When you entered the camp, you were amazed by their numbers and how organized these savages were. There must have been five hundred troops easily. You saw that their houses were also made out of scrap metal from ships and planes and that they had a whole bunch of prison cages. They were all filled to the brim with prisoners some alive, some sick and some that weren't moving. You couldn't imagine what they might have done with the rest of your group, and you tried to not think about it. "We've got the rest of those castaways, brother." The leader of the group said to another islander at the gate. "Very good Jacob. Orders are to take them to campsite C. You know... his favourite spot." The guard at the gate said. "Well do, thanks Jake." The leader said and he walked in front again while other islanders held you and forced you to follow. After a while they put you and Whitman down by a big campfire and you were nervous at the thought what might happen next. "Now, you two wait here, and don't move a muscle. There's no escape so don't even try it. Go get the others. Donavan would want to have a word" Jacob said and a few of his men walked off. Allot of time went by and you and Whitman were still sitting on your knees at the campsite. "What do you think they'll do to us." Whitman said whispering. "I don't know man. But they better not have hurt Lara or any of the others." You replied and you both were smacked in the face for talking.

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