Chapter 14 Soon my brothers

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You and Lara looked at Donovan trying to stay calm. The backup he brought was immense and you two knew you didn't stand a chance against all of them. You tried to think of an escape plan while Donovan went on about how he always finds the non-believers. You looked over your shoulder meeting eyes with Lara who stood behind you. She looked as concerned as you were. Your eyes glazed behind her and you noticed the open door towards the radio tower you two came from. You had to distract them. There was still a chance for you two to get out of this. "Lara, you need to get out of here. It's our only chance to escape this place." you said in a soft tone so Donovan and his men wouldn't hear. "What? No way Y/N. I'm not leaving you with that monster." she replied noticeably shocked. "Lara please do as I say. It's the only way. We're doomed if we're both captured. He must have gotten to Reyes and the others as well." you said and turned your head toward Donovan again. "I'm gonna give you an opening. Look for a way out by the radio tower. I'll be fine." you said and before Lara could respond to your absurd plan you ran towards Donovan. He didn't expect the sudden attack and he looked shocked when you tackled him to the ground. You sat on top of him and a fury of rage came over you when you looked into his evil eyes. He and his stupid brother were the reason you and your friends were all suffering. You screamed in his faces and started pounding on him. You looked over your shoulder and Lara hadn't moved a muscle. "Lara?! What are you doing! Get the fuck out of here!! GO!!" you yelled. "No Y/N!" she yelled back and pointed her gun at the henchman standing guard in the hallway. You yelled at Lara to get out not paying attention to Donovan. He took this opening by punching you in the jaw, knocking you off of him. Now he crawled on top of you and started punching the snot out of you.

Lara saw this and quickly ran up and pulled Donovan off of you. Lara pointed her gun at Donovan's head and looked at his men standing in the hallway. "If any of you move a muscle, I'll blow this bastard's brains out!" she yelled. But Donovan's men weren't convinced and slowly entered the room anyway. They knew she was bluffing by her shaking hands and panicked expression. You slowly sat up with blood seeping from your nose and lip. "Lara, drop the gun. It's over." you said. Lara looked at you as a single tear ran over her cheek. She knew you were doomed and did as you told her. Lara dropped the gun and Donovan's men came running in. They quickly restrained you and Lara. The Solarii pulled you to your feet as two of them held you by the arms. Donovan walked over to you and wiped the blood of his face. "Gotta hand it to you. Y/N Was it? You have a great right hook." He said as he stepped in front of you. Looking at your bloody face made him grin. "Put him up." Donovan told his men as they forced you to stand up straight. He winded his right arm back and he punched you in the gut with allot of force. This made you gasp for air uncontrollably. "One more stunt like that will be the end of you Y/N. You got that? One peep and I'll kill that little girlfriend of yours." he said as he pointed at Lara. You steadied your breathing and looked up at him, your face turning red with anger. "Got something to say shitbird?" Donovan asked jokingly putting his ear next to your face. "Fuck you Donovan and your son of whore brother." you said angrily.

Donovan looked at your angrily, then a smile appeared on his face and he started laughing. "Damn. You've got some balls kid. I admire that. You'll be a great resource to our cause." he said and he padded you on the shoulder. "Gag them and take them to the trucks. Let's see what my dear brother thinks we should do with them." Donovan instructed and you and Lara quickly got your mouth's gagged and pulled out of the run-down communications building.

When you got outside your fears had come true. You saw Reyes, Alex, Jonah and three other escaped crewmembers sitting on their knees in the snow, gagged and cuffed like you two were. "We saw them coming down the mountain towards this place. It really couldn't have been easier." Donovan said smirking. "Put those two next to the others. I've got something to say." He instructed and the soldiers who held you and Lara pushed you to the ground. Making you kneel next to your friends.

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