An Uninvited Favour

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I arrived home and stumbled out of the car, not because I was drunk or tipsy but because I was in shock at what I had just done when I knew fine well that I was waiting to kiss someone else and also because I was exhausted and needed my bed as soon as possible. As a result of me practically falling over the kerb outside my house, Marcus told me that he would walk me to the front door so I couldn't possibly hurt myself again. He stood on the right side of me, his right arm crossed over his body that eventually reached my right and then his other wrapped around my waist to support me. I felt so uneasy and uncomfortable that his hands were around my waist and had replaced the touch that had once been Derek's, that I told him I could walk myself from the point we were at. He allowed me to do so but before moving his hand from my waist, he turned me around placed a soft kiss on top of my lips. I cringed inside that I was allowing somebody to kiss me when I didn't exactly know what I wanted or with who but I returned the affection before moving away, flashing a sincere smile, since he had given me a great evening before the Derek fiasco, and made my way inside. As soon as I reached the hallway, I threw my handbag and coat on the dresser and kicked of my heeled boots one by one, following that with launching myself backwards onto the sofa almost hitting my head of the chair arm. I had closed my eyes for 2 seconds before I heard footsteps. Nobody was supposed to be in my house. Everyone was at the hospital still. Plus the only people to have keys to my house were Izzie, Alex, George and Cristina and...

And Derek...

I still hadn't opened my eyes, for two reasons. If it was a burglar then I'd rather not have to deal with him so maybe he would just think that I hadn't seen them and go on out of the house hoping that they wouldn't be caught. And if it was Derek, I certainly didn't want to deal with what he had to say. 


I knew it wasn't a burglar now because of obvious reasons and I knew that it wasn't Derek since he'd never called me by anything other than 'Meredith' or 'Dr Grey' when he was in one of those moods. I opened my eyes still staring at the ceiling and shit myself when this face appeared about 4 inches from mine.

'Cristina!!! What the hell was that for?' I asked pushing myself up basically headbutting her from how quickly I moved.

'Why aren't you at the hospital?'

She replied so normally as if she should be in my house at this time at night, as if she was the surprised one, 'Surgery got cancelled and Burke is doing all his rounds for some reason, so i got of early.'

'Early finish!!!! That isn't a word in the vocabulary of an intern.' I told her in more shock once again that she was sucking up to Burke that much, that he had allowed her an early finish.

'You must be giving him good sex if he's giving you early finishes.' 

'Yeah well, you're going to be getting plenty of early finishes with the way you an Forbes are going.' She smirked, knowing that I was going to question her. 

'No. That is not going to happen. I'm done with attendings. They cause too many problems. Anyways I can't be doing with the way Derek looks at me every time he sees me with him, so that's that.'

'Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll give you both until next week and then tell me that again. I'm going to bed. Night.'

She walked of so chuffed with herself for some reason and knowing that she had made me uncomfortable. 

The next morning, I woke up after barely having any kind of sleep, being up all night thinking about all sorts of things. On top of the mess I already was, I had a huge headache, most likely a hangover since I had drank far too much when Cristina went to bed and at the bar. My head was ponding and then my ears started ringing. I rubbed my ears trying to settle the ringing but actually discovered that I was being paged to the ER. It was 40 minutes before I actually had to be at the hospital to begin my shift so I gathered there was going to be a lot of great opportunities to scrub in surgeries. I picked up my bag and two flasks of coffee to sober me up and give me a little energy and headed off to the ER.

'Grey your with me!'

I heard my name being shouted and immediately turned around to see Derek. From that instance, I had a gut instinct that the day was not going to be in my favour. And I was completely correct. It was not.

'Okay...' I said to myself whilst in the middle of sighing. This was not what I needed first time in the morning but I kept persuading myself that the surgeries were going to make up for it.

There had been multiple car all involved in a collision and on top of that there had been a bridge collapse about 20 minutes away from the other accident. It was safe to say that the ER was overrun but luckily, since the merger, we had enough members of staff and doctors to cater to everyone and we were a Level 1 Trauma hospital so we had plenty of appliances and equipment to resolve everyone's needs.  After seeking to two head lacerations on two teenagers, multiple broken bone consults and three adults that had bleeds throughout their bodies, I was called outside of the Emergency Room to assist with another incoming trauma where there was young boy that had metal impaling his abdomen. The ambulance came into the bay around 2 minutes after I was called out and we immediately found ourselves unloading the critical care patient from the rig. Knowing that I had selective hearing and had already processed the information we were receiving from the paramedics, I tuned in on a noise that I could register coming from what sounded like 30 seconds from us. Skidding and an unhealthy sounding engine could be heard apparently only by myself. I threw my had around nearly giving myself whiplash and witnessed a horror that I knew would haunt me for the rest of my life. I knew what was going to happen. The day was not in my favour. God said no.

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