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I walked into the skills lab not knowing what to expect. My heart was racing at the thought of being alone in a room with Derek again. This shouldn't be happening because we are both in committed relationships but there was nobody and nothing to stop us. I rolled out the chair and sat at the table ready to learn something and to be honest I would have been happy if nothing happened between us tonight and I did just learn a new trait. But that was not the case. He had other ideas of what fun was clearly. 

Derek was over at the supply cupboard, probably trying to pull himself together, and I was sat at the table waiting. Waiting for him to say or do something. His dark blue scrubs were my view for the next 30 seconds as he rummaged around in drawers. His back muscles extended from his behind, visible through his top and his perfectly styled hair matched the tan of his skin. My mind went crazy as he didn't speak a word for what seemed like forever but was only really a minute. 

'So, Dr Grey. This is what I like to call the Shepherd Method.' His said as he turned around slowly, revealing the small, cheeky grin spread across his face. 

'Are you ready to learn?'

I had flutters throughout my whole body and butterflies in my stomach. Forbes had never ever made me feel like this even with just his presence and I had never been desperate to have sex with him but things were different this time. I couldn't handle the tension. I think the thought of knowing I couldn't have him made me want him even more. 

As he walked over to me from across the room, looking down at whatever was in his hands, he set the instrument down on the desk and pulled up a chair right next to me so that our knees were centimetres away from each others. He looked into my eyes and started rabbiting on about a technique, still with a lustful grin on his face. He hadn't made a move and neither had I. Yet. The temptation was unbearable and once I decided to start what I didn't want to finish ever, I sensed the touch of a hand slide over my knee and inside my lower thigh. He was still looking at the fake brain that lay on the table and talking about the angles in which you should approach...

And then anything from there I wasn't listening to. It was so naughty of me, but I lifted my hand from under the table, brought it up to his ,which was holding the instrument, removed said instrument from his hand and replaced it with my other thigh. With his thumbs now inside my legs, we stared into each others eyes for a second before locking our lips together. There it was again. The feeling that I could do this for forever. Kiss his soft, plump lips all day everyday. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and opened my legs wider so that he could pull his stool in between them, bringing us closer together. With my fingers running through his hair and his wrapped around my cheeks and jawline, I opened my eyes and looked over his shoulder to see if the red slide was on the door, alerting me that it was locked, which it wasn't. I pulled away and slid my chair back, scared that someone would walk in. 

'Meredith? What?' He asked with a confused, desperate to get back to what we were doing, look on his face.

'I'm locking the door, hold on.' I replied, with a cheeky tone and grin across my face.

'Ohhh. Yes, please do that. But hurry up.' Derek said these words in between a little giggle he was doing and knowing that we were about to carry on. 

I ran to the door, turned the lock and flicked off the lights so that the only form of light that we had was coming from any electronics and the UV lights of the incubation carriers. I walked back slowly removing my shirt over my head and listening to him softly laugh at my actions. I hoped he wanted the same thing I did right now. He sat on the edge of the stool with his legs spread apart and his arms at waist height ready for my body to fill the space. He was ever so patient as I took my time trying to tease him a little. I replaced the empty space in between his hands, with my skin and let my hands find his hair again. I threw my head back slowly as his lips ran along my chest and in between my cleavage. We were so close that his clothed chest was touching my stomach and I could feel his tongue lick my stomach and work it's way back up to my mouth. I turned around and placed myself on on top of the table, with the help of Derek who grabbed me by the waist and lifted me. I opened my legs once again to allow him space to move closer into me. Once our lips had left each others for one second to remove his shirt and assist him to stand up and find my lips again. He laid me onto my back so that now I was laid on the table and his tongue was exploring my torso. He removed my bra with one hand and the other cupped my breast. We took a second to stop everything we were doing and just take in each other presence. We were still so close that I could feel his warm breathe on my cheeks as we glared into each others eyes. I felt his hand remove my trousers, asking me to lift myself up so that they would slide past my butt and with his teeth, he moved further down my body and took my red Brazilian underwear from me. He mustn't have been able to wait any longer as he also took his trousers and boxers of and placed himself inside of me. 

With one hand he held my back underneath me and the other was placed tightly, only allowing my to breathe, over my mouth so that my moans couldn't be heard from outside. It was private and he was dominating me, but I didn't mind. Our first time could've been in a more magical place but the feeling and intimacy couldn't have been any more of what I wanted. He was perfect in every way and as we carried on, changing positions and changing power, I knew I wanted him for the rest of my life. But how? We still hadn't spoken about any of it. He was getting married in 3 weeks. So that only meant I had to act fast. 

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