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We both lay there deeply swimming in each others eyes. I was drowning in them. Although he was so weak and not okay, he brought me so much hope and passion through any look he gave. His eyes fixed on mine and vice versa, myself slowly falling deeper and deeper into thoughts of living my life with him and sleeping in that bed that we had chosen for the dream house he had built from scratch. His hand had now become strong enough that he was able to intertwine our fingers together and we remained there inside each others heads and thoughts until...


'Derek you've got to live because then I would've killed you. I didn't let you go. You were dead in my arms and I didn't let you go. I didn't let them help you. So I would've killed you if you don't wake up. I needed to help you myself and now I can't so you need to do this for yourself. Please Derek. Derek come back to me, we've got our whole life ahead of us and you need to be in mine.' 

Right now her voice was the only thing I wanted to hear. The rasp and gently whimpering in her tone was so attractive to me and in this moment of time, my heart beat for that woman. She was strong enough to be at my bedside so I knew I had done my job and it was okay for me to go knowing she was going to be with Forbes and be happy and safe. I had protected her. Yet she felt so much guilt for holding me close. As I felt my chest become extremely heavy, I felt every sensation in my body began to fade away and I felt it slowly shutting down. The words spoken so softly and passionately kept repeating in my damaged brain, 'You need to come back to me.' I began centring myself trying my hardest to bring my organs back to life. Trying against all the medical science and evidence to use her words to regain strength. She had saved me so how could I just give up on her now. That was cruel to let her go on living with guilt and remorse, blaming herself for my death. Her words repeated themselves over and over in my head bringing me back into the world. I heard only the words she had said after she had yelled at whoever she yelled at. 

I let her voice take away my pain and felt that the only thing I could do myself right now was to take away hers. I alerted her that I was wary of her and that I knew her presence was with me. Since she would never know that I had heard all of her feelings for us, the plans she had for our future, until I could breathe on my won again and put together a sentence, I lifted up my finger the slightest bit because unfortunately that's all I could manage and allowed my eyelids to uncover my eyes that hadn't seen the light of day for hours upon hours. I felt her tears make their way down my arm as my gauzes soaked them up and then out of my peripheral vison I saw her head lift up, glare at our hands placed together, wait for me to move again and once I had rolled my head around, we got lost in each others worlds. I felt human again after being and feeling dead for what seemed like forever. Her eyes were the epitome of patience and passion. The green glow of them being still visible through the tears that drowned the hue. A single tear fell down her porcelain skin and at that point, the only thing that I could think about doing, apart from staying alive for her, was using the strength I once had in my stomach muscles to sit up, reach and place my hand just under her chin, run my thumb on top of her chiselled jawline and use my wrist to move my hand so that my fingers were behind her ears and my thumb slightly under her eye, then placing the softest yet most passionate kiss onto her perfect lips and enduring the sensation of them for the first time. Our first kiss. I wish it didn't have to happen under the circumstances but with us being so in the moment and being very much in each others personal space, mentally and physically, it felt like the perfect time. Although my body wasn't ready, I placed my hand on her hand that was rested on my chest and tried to lean up to get as close to her as possible. But I was too late and just like that she was ripped from me once again.


'Derek! Oh my god. What the hell? I'm so sorry. I was called into an emergency surgery on another victim of the crash and I had no idea that you were like this until I came out of the OR, 3 minutes ago. I ran up here. Oh my god!' 

This whole time, I had forgotten about her and she was irrelevant to me. Not once did I remember that Derek was with her and not me. My mind was so in touch with my feelings for him that she hadn't occurred. She came running into the room with the most alarmed look on her face. The face of disbelief that her boyfriend was in the state he was in. I watched his mind realise she was here yet he still didn't take his eyes from off of me. Ours both were still fixed upon each other being dragged brutally out of the moment.

Mei began crying her eyes out, balling over his bed and squeezing his hand in the process. She informed me and reminded him of the worst news that I could possibly hear right now.

'You've got to live, okay? For me. For us. We're getting married and we're gonna live our lives together so you've got to be okay Derek.'

I was gobsmacked. My emotions flipped so quickly that I could barely process what was actually happening. I had poured my heart and soul out to him and told him that I needed him in my life. Told him that we were going to be okay. The fact that he was unconscious didn't change the fact that I had opened myself up to him, for what? For him to be engaged. For him to have moved on from me completely. I still couldn't walk but with what I had in me, I wheeled myself around so that I wasn't facing him anymore. The hand that had been locked around his, had been ripped away like our relationship. Our eyes were now no longer linked. As I turned myself away ready to leave as soon as possible, the monitors started beeping and I heard Mei scream as Derek started shutting down. His arm reached out, not very far since he was definitely to weak to, yearning for my attention and for our touch to be reunited. Another single tear ran through my bloody face as the nursing staff poured into his room along with Bailey, Richard and Marcus. 

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