chapter ten

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hey! this is what i imagine iduna wearing to the coronation, but you can imagine whatever you'd like!

hey! this is what i imagine iduna wearing to the coronation, but you can imagine whatever you'd like!

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iduna sits with her chin resting on her hand, whilst the other picks at the blue painted picnic table. she stares at the sandwich in front of her, not able to eat. the others felt the same, all picking at their food as if it were poisoned.

"hey, guys, how is everyone?" ben appears, clapping his hands together as he stops in front of the vk's table. they stay silent, answering ben's question. ben sighs, "hey listen, forget about it. alright? it was nothing. forget about it. tomorrow after coronation, i promise everything will be okay." he puts his arms on mal's shoulders, whispering into her ear, "i have to go." he looks up at the others, "i'll see you guys later." he looks to iduna, who looks back at him with sorry eyes. with a small sigh, he leaves. iduna's heart sinks at how much trouble she must've caused him.

"listen evie, i wanna talk about earlier today. i just..." doug starts speaking to evie, but is cut off by chad at the table across from them, "doug!" doug looks to him, conflicted. eventually he sits at chad's table, head down. evie frowns, pushing her food away. iduna gives her friend a sad smile.

"how long does she think that's gonna last?" audrey speaks as her and jane walk by, "mal is just the bad girl infatuation." "yeah," jane adds, "i mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen." iduna glares at jane, clenching her jaw as the girls walk off laughing. she looks to mal, who's already flipping through her spellbook vigorously, "beware, forswear, undo jane's hair." jane screams as her hair returns to its original bob. iduna stands up with the others, staring menacingly at the other kids. "there's a lot more where that came from," mal says.

audrey scoffs, "excuse me, who do you think you are?" iduna steps forward, standing next to mal, "oh, does she look like she's kidding?" she says. mal smirks, flipping pages of her spellbook. everyone runs away with wide eyes, leaving the villains to themselves.

mal turns to them, "i'm really looking forward to tomorrow. let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand." iduna nods, as mal sends each of them a smirk. tomorrow they were going to make auradon pay.


iduna plays with her fingers, standing outside the palace nervously. she wears a black dress, dazzled with silver jewels and sparkle. she has always loved the colour black and it contrasted beautifully with her white hair. cameras flash in her direction as all sorts of voices ask her questions ranging from her mom and arendalle, to her thoughts on mal and ben, and even about herself and carlos. fed up with the questions, iduna turns to the cameras, "look, you never took an interest in my life when i was on the isle," she sends them a fake smile, "so why start now?" with that, leaving everyone baffled, she enters the palace, breathing a sigh of relief.

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