chapter sixteen

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     WHEN IDUNA woke, the group had arrived back in auradon. she had only been unconscious for around ten minutes, but that was enough to give her a pulsing headache and weak knees.

     "my head feels as though it's going to explode," she mumbled, brining her hand up to massage her head.

     "oh, d, thank goodness you're awake," evie beamed, helping the girl sit up as the limo came to a stop, "we were so worried about you." she brushed her hands through iduna's hair, fixing it of it's messiness.

     "i'm fine, e" iduna swatted the girl's hands away, "i just need out of this car." carlos held her gently and guided her out of the limo, giving her a reassuring smile as her feet touched the lush grass below.

    "ben!" jane appeared, running toward the boy with iduna's ipad, "cotillion's tonight. come here, look." she had given jane her ipad to go over the designs for ben, as she was the one organising cotillion.

    iduna walked out of carlos' grip, making her way over to evie and linking their arms. the blue haired girl smiled at her.

    they exchanged a few words with the two girls standing near. after ben whispered something to mal, iduna linked her other arm with the girl, sending her a comforting smile.

     "we need to talk," evie said. mal and iduna nodded, "yeah."

the three girls began to walk away, only for carlos to stop them abruptly. "no."

"no?" evie questioned, as they turned around.

"you guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your girl-talk stuff or whatever. and jay and i are tired of it." the boy says.

"i'm not," jay shrugs, earning a look from carlos.

"we're you family too. we've been through a lot," carlos pauses, "together. i'm not stopping that now, okay?" they all look between each other, as carlos sighs. "everyone, sit." he drops himself onto the ground with dude.

iduna is the first to sit, agreeing with carlos. but also because her legs were aching and she wanted nothing more than to rest them. carlos stares for a moment, exhaling, "i don't know how to start girl talk."

jay shrugs, "what up?"

iduna grins, while evie lets out a breathy chuckle.

"um..." mal begins, "well, i'm a mess. i'm such a mess." she chuckles nervously, beginning to cry.

evie places a hand on her shoulder, encouraging the girl to continue. "i mean, six months ago i was, you know, stealing candy from babies. and now, everybody wants me to be this lady of the court, and i have no idea how to keep up the act."

"then don't," carlos tells her.

"see? this was dumb." jay begins to stand up, only to be stopped by evie.

"maybe it wasn't," she takes a breath, "we're always gonna be the kids from the isle. i tried to forget it, i really tried. but, those are our roots. and we all did what we had to do to survive, but it made us who we are. and we're never gonna be like anybody else here. and that's okay. that's okay."

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