chapter five

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iduna shuffles through her locker, reaching for the textbook for her next class that she had with evie. nearby, she notices audrey, a boy she had learned to be chad, and prince ben looking at them and whispering.

rolling her eyes, she turns to mal. "see yah, m."

"bye." she replies, shutting her locker. with that, evie and iduna leave for their class. "i'll meet you there, i just need to use the bathroom," iduna tells the girl. evie nods, sending her a small smile, "i'll save you a seat."

after using the restroom, iduna walks out, noticing jane standing there playing with her hair. at the sight of her, jane's eyes widen. iduna smirks, placing her bag down on the bench as she washes her hands," i love your choice of outfit colour," she says, sending the girl a small smile as she examines her blue dress, "really compliments your skin tone."

jane gulps. "u-uh thanks. it's not as nice as your outfit though, you look so cool." she says, looking down at the girl's platform boots, her slighty baggy black pants and her blue, leather tank top.

iduna shrugs, "i have a thing for clothes." she pulls her hair out of her ponytail from track earlier, fluffing her hair over her shoulders. as she's doing so, mal walks in. from the look on her face, iduna smirks. she's plotting something.

"hey, it's jane, right?" mal grins, "ugh, always loved that name. jane." she giggles.

jane looks highly uncomfortable at the presence of the two isle teens, as she says "that's cool," and goes to leave.

"don't go!" mal stops her, causing the brunette to stop abruptly. mal plasters a sad, innocent look on her face. "i guess, i was just kind of hoping to make a friend. you probably have all the friends you need though, huh?"

jane looks down, "hardly."

iduna follows along with mal. she had no idea what mal was planning, but she was ready to help. "really? i mean, with your mom being fairy godmother and headmistress?" the two step toward her.

"not to mention, your own... personality," mal adds with a chuckle.

jane shakes her head, "i'd rather be pretty. you've both got great hair."

mal's face brightens. "you know what? i have just the thing for that!" she chuckles as she opens her spell book, "it's right.. ah! here."

"beware, forswear, replace the old with brand new hair," she flicks her wrist as jane gasps.

iduna blinks and jane's hair is now curled, long and placed over her shoulder. jane gasps as she looks to the mirror in awe.

"wow! you almost don't notice your, other features anymore!" mal chuckles. iduna gives her a harsh look in the mirror. she thought jane was actually rather pretty. for an auradon girl. jane turns to mal, tapping her spell book. "do my nose!"

mal sighs, "oh, i can't. i've been practicing, but you know, i can't do really big magic. not like your mom, with her wand! i mean, one swoosh from that thing, and you could probably have whatever features you wanted."

iduna hides her smirk, now understanding mal's scheme.

jane frowns, "she doesn't use the wand anymore. she believes that real magic is in the books. and not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff."

mal scoffs, "what a rip. you know, she used magic on cinderella, who wasn't even her real daughter. doesn't she love you?"

"well of course she does. it's... it's just you know, tough love. 'work on the inside, not the outside.' you know, that sorta thing," jane says, looking down sadly.

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