chapter seventeen

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THE NIGHT OF cotillion had finally arrived. music blared through the entirety of the ship whilst people danced and laughed, enjoying the energy of the night.

     iduna stood off to the side of the party, patiently waiting for carlos to arrive. a part of her thought she was being stood up– yet she knew in her heart that carlos would never do such a thing. he was too caring.

     she looks down at her dress, admiring the intricate blue fabric and silver embroidery that her and evie worked so hard on to design. it was completely different to what she wore at ben's coronation, and for that she loved it.

carlos suddenly runs in, finding iduna quickly in the crowd. after all, her hair was platinum blonde with pale blue streaks; unlike anything else there. "i'm so sorry i'm late! i couldn't find my clothes and freaked because i can't wear pyjama pants to cotillion and-"

iduna interrupts carlos' rant, "c, it's totally okay. i've only been here for like two minutes."

carlos shuffles his feet, "oh- well, you uh, you look really beautiful," he blushes as he compliments her shyly.

     iduna flushes, "thank you, carlos. and you look quite handsome," she leans in, kissing his cheek lightly. the boy burns scarlet, rubbing his neck with a goofy grin.

     the moment is broken by the sound of trumpets blowing. iduna and carlos push to the front to stand with evie and doug, eagerly awaiting for mal's arrival.

     "the future lady mal," lumiere introduces.

     mal appears, walking forward nervously. iduna's eyes brim with tears at how beautiful she looks. lumiere whispers something to her and she laughs, looking out at her friends for reassurance. iduna is the first to cheer, cupping her hands around her mouth, "whooo! go mal!"

     evie, jay and carlos follow her, and soon everyone else joins in too. mal chuckles, walking down and greeting ben's parents. once their short conversation is done, evie steps forward, finding mal's hand and bringing her toward the group.

     "how do you feel?" evie questions in a soft voice.

     "i sort of feel like i'm gonna throw up," mal smiles anxiously. iduna places a hand on mal's arm, "that's okay. we're right here with you, okay?"

     mal looks at the girl, "okay," she nods.

     the trumpets blare again, and iduna turns without letting go of mal's hand, which the girl had slipped into hers. the man who announced mal appears again, "king benjamin!"

     iduna smiles, cheering and bowing with the crowd as the king stands tall in front of them. she gives mal a gentle nudge, nodding her head toward the boy, "go get him."

     mal giggles, stepping forward as ben walks down the stares. the couple bow to one another, before ben speaks, "mal... i wish i had time to explain."

     iduna furrows her eyebrows in confusion, wondering what ben could be meaning. but then she sees someone she never thought she see again.

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