chapter four

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"if someone hands you a crying baby, do you, a... curse it? b... lock it in a tower? c... give it a bottle? or d... carve out its heart?" fairy godmother questions the five isle kids as they sit in their first remedial goodness class.

iduna fidgets with her hands impatiently, looking around the room. the tables are set up in groups of three, allowing her to sit with evie and mal, with mal being in the middle.

evie raises her hand, "what was the second one?"

fairy godmother sighs. "oh. okay. anyone else?" she looks at iduna, who makes it obvious that she is avoiding her gaze. "iduna?"

"c. give it a bottle." she says quickly.

"correct. again." fairy godmother smiles.

carlos looks at her. "you're on fire, girl."

iduna shrugs, "just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

evie, jay and carlos all let out 'oohs' as if what she had said wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

"that makes so much sense," evie nods. mal scoffs with a light laugh.

a squeal beside iduna made her look from the board to the centre of the room, where a brunette girl dressed in a pastel blue dress, adorning a bob hair cut scurries past them.

"hello, dear one," fg smiles down at her.

"you need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation," she says, before looking at the villain kids with wide eyes. mal nudges evie and iduna, nodding her head towards the nervous girl.

"everyone here remembers my daughter, jane?"

"mom, no!" jane pleas.

fairy godmother smiles. "it's ok! jane, this is everyone." jane takes the paper from her mother, walking back towards the door. "that's okay, don't mind me, as you were." iduna smirks at her, tapping her fingers on the desk. jane squeals again as she passes the teens.

once she has left, fg clears her throat. "let's continue!" she runs over to the board way too enthusiastically. "you find a vial of poison. do you a... put it in the king's wine? b... paint it on an apple? c... turn it over to the proper authorities?"

evie, carlos and jay raise their hands quickly. "get off!" carlos whispers as jay pushes his hand down.

"jay." fg says.

"c, you turn it over to the proper authorities." he says with a smirk. carlos groans. "i was gonna say that."

"but i said it first." jay mocks, "come here! come on, you said it first? who said it first?" jay grabs carlos into a headlock, ruffling his hair.

they eventually end up on top of the table, until fairy godmother demands they stop. "boys! i am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

"oh no, that's okay. whatever that is, we'll pass." carlos tells her, shoving jay off of him. iduna laughs, drawing godmother's attention to her.

"iduna, i have also noticed that you fidget a lot." iduna's smile drops to a scowl as the boys laugh. "maybe it would be beneficial for you to join the track team to let off some stream, hm?"

its the boys' turn to laugh as iduna scowls.



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