chapter eight

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iduna sits beside evie and doug in chemistry class, biting her lip as she went through the exam. it was tough, and she struggled to remember how to do the more difficult chemical equations.

next to her, evie rummages through her bag, causing iduna to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"looking for something?" their teacher asks, before revealing evie's magic mirror. iduna opens her mouth in confusion.

"thank you, chad. it's gratifying to see someone still respect the honour code." the teacher says, "it will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

evie shakes her head rapidly, "mr deley, i-"

"but that isn't fair. obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... whatever it is." doug stands up from his chair, defending the girl.

"it's a mag-"

iduna elbows evie, muttering, "you're not helping him."

doug shrugs his shoulders, "maybe she was looking for a pencil."

"actually i was-"

"really. don't help." doug turns to her.

"please, sir." iduna begs.

mr deley sighs. "well, if you can pass this test, i'll return your property and let the matter drop." the three smile gratefully.

evie glares at chad, before staring back down at her test with determined eyes.


iduna and doug sit across from each other at a table outside, discussing the exam as they wait for evie.

"i just don't understand why we have to know the chemical balance of fluoride." iduna complains, "back on the isle we just had normal mathematics. none of this chemistry stuff."

doug shakes his head, "it's thrilling, knowing how to balance equations." iduna stares at him blankly. doug huffs, "what did you get on your exam anyway?"

iduna shows him her paper, "a b. not my worst, but i guess i could improve." he nods, impressed.

iduna catches evie's gaze as she approaches from behind, a large smile on her face. from this she could tell she had passed, letting her release a breath she had been holding in. packing up her things, the white haired girl gives doug a wink. "i'm going back to my dorm, if e asks where i am."

iduna leaves the table, giving evie's arm an excited squeeze as she passes. as she journeys back to the dorm room, she catches ava's gaze. the girl takes this as an invitation to come over to her, causing her to sigh.

"hey iduna. i noticed you haven't been coming to training. coach thinks you bailed on us." ava says, causing her to stop and stare at the girl.

"i'm not bailing on anyone. just leave me be, okay?" iduna tells her. ava huffs, "look, we need to talk. we're family, remember?"

"you are not my family. my family came with me from the isle, they aren't scared of me." iduna clenches her jaw, gripping her sketchbook tightly as she feels her hands tingle, as they did a few days ago.

ava deflates, "i know, i'm sorry. i just thought, maybe we could talk, please. just for ten minutes." she speaks softly. iduna sighs, "fine, ten minutes, okay? then i'm going back to my dorm to take a nap."

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