chapter fourteen

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     "IF YOU GUYS never would have brought him here this never would have happened. what were you thinking?!" mal exclaims, looking down at her four friends as they stand in their old hangout.

"he was gonna come with or without us. we just wanted to protect him." evie says, waving her arms around.

"yeah and we completely blew it, guys." carlos reminds them, causing jay to raise his voice.

"okay!" iduna interrupts before an argument can begin, "so what are we going to do?"

"we are not doing anything." mal tells them, "this is between uma and me. she's a punk, and guess what? now i have to go get him."

"woah woah woah, mal- you're still gonna have to go through harry hook, and his wharf rats." carlos reminds her, stepping forward.

"yeah you're gonna need us." jay says.

mal rolls her eyes, "uma said to come alone."

"mal, come on.." evie says.

iduna sighs, shaking her head, "she said to come alone. if we all appear with mal she'll freak and probably hurt ben. i'm not going anywhere." the white haired girl flops down onto the couch.

"we'll be here when you get back," jay tells her.

mal looks between all of them, turning on her heel and strutting out of the place. one by one each of them sit, thinking to themselves in silence. they hoped mal would come back with good news.


     it was not good news. about an hour later, mal came back looking as though the world had crumbled around her. which it basically had.

     "there is no way we're gonna give uma the wand. we can't just let her destroy auradon!" evie exclaims.

     "uma doesn't get the wand, then ben is toast, guys," carlos says.

     "great so we're going to give uma, of all people, the wand," evie rolls her eyes.

     iduna stands up from her seat, "wait you guys," she looks at carlos and jay, "your 3d printer! a fake wand!" she remembers carlos gushing about the printer for days when he first got it.

     the four vk's look at her, eyes brightening at the possibility that this mission wasn't hopeless after all.

     "wait, but as soon as uma tests it she'll know it's fake." evie mentions.

     "okay, so we get ben out really fast." mal says, "we need some kind of diversion."

     "smoke bombs!" jay exclaims, "and iduna could maybe do a few things with her magic."

     iduna nods, "too easy. evie, you can get the chemicals we need from lady tremaine's place." evie nods in agreement, smiling as she walks towards mal, "sick hair by the way. evil stepmom seriously stepped up her game."

     "okay do you wanna know something?" mal asks, "dizzy did this." iduna gasps, "little dizzy? shut up." she moves closer to mal and evie so she could look closer at mal's hair.

     "i know i'm like loving it, it's like a lot lighter," mal says. evie gushes, "wow i'm like really proud of her." iduna admires mal's hair, touching her own.

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