chapter two

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auradon prep

"bring home the gold!"
"bring home a puppy!"
"bring home a prince!"
"freeze a kingdom or two!"

     iduna sits next to jay, staring out the window as they begin their surprisingly short journey to auradon.

    carlos and him begin fighting for the large pile of candy in front of them. the girls don't blink an eye due to this being regular behaviour for the two.

    "you're looking a little flushed, let me help you out," evie speaks, holding her makeup brush toward mal. iduna looks at her and giggles softly.

     "ew, stop. i'm plotting," mal says, swatting evie's hand away from her face.

     "if you keep scowling like that you're going to have wrinkles by the time you're twenty," iduna tells her friend. mal rolls her eyes when evie agrees.

     carlos gasps suddenly, "these... it's salty like nuts, but sweet like i don't know what." he refers to the food in his hand, taking another bite as it finds its way all around his mouth.

    "let me see." jay says, to which carlos opens his mouth. jay grimaces in disgust and grabs the candy out of carlos' hand, humming in delight as he devours it immediately. he turns to iduna excitedly.

     "d, you have to try one." he says, mouth full.

     the white haired girl looks at him and shrugs. "sure." she grabs one from the bowl, following both boy's reactions and humming in satisfaction. "oh my god, this is amazing! i wonder what it is."

    "look!" evie shouts. the four turn, letting out screeches. they were driving straight towards the edge of a cliff.

     "it's a trap!" carlos screams.

     iduna holds onto jay and evie, all five screaming as they prepare for the fall.

    when it doesn't come, they open their eyes. "what just happened?" iduna asks, staring around frantically.

     "it must be magic," evie says in awe.

     iduna shoves jay's arm off of her, punching him in the side, "wuss."

     jay scrunches his face as he holds his side. carlos and evie laugh at their friend's pain.

     "hey," mal taps the remote she has been holding, getting the driver's attention. "did this little button just open the magic barrier?"

    "no, this one opens the magic barrier." the driver holds up a silver remote. that one opens my garage. and this button..." he holds it down as the shield closes, separating him from the vk's.

     "okay... nasty," mal chuckles. "i like that guy."

     the limo continues to drive, and eventually they arrive at auradon prep. iduna scoffs as she reads their slogan, 'goodness doesn't get any better.'

     "this is a nightmare," she sighs, hearing a band and loud cheering as they come to a stop.

     "tell me about it," mal agrees.

     jay begins shoving things into his vest, carlos joining in. the driver opens the door for them and the two boys fall out, fighting over a fabric of some sort. "you got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?" carlos exclaims.

     the band stops playing as the two argue. iduna follows mal and evie out, staring down at the boys. "guys! stop, we have an audience," mal says as she notices people staring.

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