chapter thirteen

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iduna never imagined mal would return to the isle. she knew the girl was stressed out. but all the vk's were still getting used to their new auradon lives. if anything, iduna thought the five of them would stick together. not fall apart.

"ben?" evie says as the two girls enter ben's office. iduna follows evie, closing the door softly behind them.

"evie, iduna. come on in." ben smiles, standing up. iduna gives ben a soft look, "ben, mal's gone back to the isle," she tells him. bens face falls, a worried gaze taking over.

evie sighs, stepping forward, placing the letter mal wrote in the kings hands. "and ben..." evie trails off, holding out his ring. ben takes it, hands shaking.

"this is my fault," ben exclaims, "this is my fault. i-i blew it. she'd been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding i just went all beast on her. i have to go there and apologise. i have to go there and beg her to come back."

"ben you'll never find her," iduna tells him, "you need to know the isle and how it works. and- you have to take us with you."

"yes," ben turns to the two, "are you sure?"

"yeah," evie nods, "she's our best friend. and we'll bring the boys too because there's safety in numbers and none of us are really too popular over there right now."

"thank you..." ben says.

"let's get too things straight," evie cuts him off, "you have to promise me that i won't get stuck there again."

"i promise." ben nods.

"and there's no way you're going over there looking like that," iduna adds, glancing over the boys very auradon looking attire.


"jay. keys, remote," ben says, throwing the items down to jay as the vks and king run down the stairs toward the limo.

"wait!" evie exclaims, "somethings wrong." iduna pauses beside carlos, watching as evie pulls down ben's beanie. ben sighs, slumping slightly.

"shot gun!" an unknown voice suddenly calls.

iduna lets out a gasp, turning around as dude stands on the steps. "no dude, stay. the isle is way too dangerous." carlos scolds, as if dude talking was completely normal.

"did he just..." jay trails off.

"talk? yeah. i know, tell you later." carlos says, glancing at iduna for a quick moment.

"i don't even wanna know." iduna shakes her head, getting into the back of the limo with evie and ben.

"okay. once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. got it?" evie asks jay as they begin the drive.

"got it." jay nods.

the yellow bridge that took them to auradon six months ago appears, sending a wave of nostalgia to iduna. back then, iduna never would've thought she'd return to the isle.

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