chapter six

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     jane and lonnie had left not too long after they impulsively ripped their skirts. eventually carlos joined the girls, carrying a laptop and dude in his arms, laying against mal's bed.

     iduna puts her earphones into her ears, listening to music on an ipod – what ben had called it when he gave it to her earlier that day. she hums the tune of the song, drawing some new dress designs in evie's sketchbook.

     carlos looks over at her as she sits on the table with the sun beaming down, casting a light over her face, bringing out her blue eyes. carlos swallows, lost in his gaze. it was the most obvious thing in the world, yet iduna had no clue the feelings carlos felt towards her. over the years he convinced himself that someone like her would never like someone like him. but, since they arrived in auradon, his feeling for her were only getting stronger.

     "oh yeah!" jay bursts through the door, wearing his new tourney jersey. carlos snaps his head towards his friend, clueless to the giggle evie let out as she caught him staring.

    iduna pulls out her earphones, "nice, jay." as carlos gives a whistle.

     "did your plan work with jane?" jay asks, leaning against mal's bedpost frame, "are you going over to see the wand?"

     "do you think that i would be going through every single spell in this book if i hadn't completely struck out?" mal hisses, giving him a glare.

     "someone's in a bad mood," carlos sighs.

     "my mom's counting on me! i can't let her down!" mal flicks him in the head.

     "we can do this..." jay raises his voice, "if we stick together."

     iduna stares up at him, biting her cheek.

     mal adds, "and we won't go back until we do. because we're rotten..."

     "to the core." the other four reply. iduna stands from her spot at the table, closing evie's sketchbook softly.

     "oh, yeah, i found out that fairy godmother blesses ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go," evie says quickly, "i have nothing to wear, of course."

     everyone stares at her in disbelief that she was only mentioning this now.

    a knock on the door causes iduna to quickly walk towards it, "hold that thought." swinging the door open, ben is revealed.


     "mal, it's for you," iduna interrupts with a gleam in her eyes. ben furrows his eyebrows in question.

     mal stands next to iduna, the others not too far behind them. "i didn't see you guys today," ben says, "i was just wondering if you had any questions or anything that you needed."

     mal shrugs, "not that i know of."

     ben looks disappointed, "well, if you need anything, just..."

     "oh wait! is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" mal asks, gesturing towards her and the others.

     ben nods, "yeah, the whole school goes."

     "wow, that is beyond exciting." mal says, "do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to the fairy godmother just so we could, soak up all that goodness?"

     "i wish you could. up front it's just me, my folks and my girlfriend," ben tells her.

     "and your girlfriend?" mal repeats.

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