chapter nine

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"ok, we all know what this looks like." mal says, as the five villains crowd around the table in the boy's room. "so we'll be up on the dais under beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. i will be at the very front. you all will be up in the balcony."

iduna nods her head, biting her lip.

"ok, so i'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the wand." carlos adds, to which mal nods approvingly.

"evie, you'll use this to take out the driver. two sprays and he'll be out like a light." mal hands evie a perfume bottle. she looks to iduna, "d, you're our attack. if they try anything, we're counting on you to freeze them, or do whatever you have to do to protect us and the wand... got it?"

iduna nods silently, playing with her fingers.

the kids all look at each other quietly as mal sits in a chair, reading over a spell in her book. iduna shuffles over to carlos' bed, lying down as carlos sits behind her, playing with the ends of her hair softly.

evie, noticing the spell mal was reading, gasps. "m, you want to break ben's love spell?"

"yeah... you know for after. i've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy everything that is good and beautiful, ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra, cruel."

     the others stare at mal softly, watching as she slams her book shut and walks out of the boy's dorm. iduna sighs, sitting up, causing carlos' hand to fall from her hair. "we should go, e." she says, standing up from the bed. evie nods silently, picking up her things.

     iduna turns to jay and carlos, sending them a soft smile, "we'll see you guys tomorrow." the boys nod, and both girls leave the room, thinking about all they'll leave behind when they steal the wand.


      iduna didn't think auradon could get anymore cliche, yet she was proven wrong as her and the vk's watched the auradon kids performance for family day. she stands on the balcony wearing a white leather tank top, light blue skirt with a matching leather jacket, and black platform boots. her hair is fluffed and out, sitting over her shoulders neatly.

     carlos, jay, evie and mal all begin to make their way down, whilst iduna stands still, her legs seemingly frozen in place. "guys?" she speaks, causing them to stop and turn to her. iduna's heart thumps as she stares out onto the crowd, before turning back to her friends. "what- what if my mother's down there?" she pauses, "i don't think i can handle that." they all look at her sympathetically, sharing knowing looks. evie, who was closest to her, walks back up a few steps, taking iduna's hand in hers. "we've got your back, d. if she is down there, well, we can leave if you want." iduna clenches her jaw nodding, "okay." she says softly. it was weird for the others to see her so vulnerable. it was obvious she was genuinely worried, so they needed to keep her as calm as possible. otherwise, she could lose control of her powers.

     evie leads iduna down the stairs, not letting go of her hand until they reach the bottom. they instantly all make their way to the food table, staring in awe. carlos hands evie dude, taking a strawberry out of a random boy's hand. iduna chuckles, joining him, and eating a strawberry which practically bursted in her mouth.

     mal leaves the group as ben calls her over. iduna wipes her fingers clean on a napkin before standing beside evie, petting dude. "i think she likes him." she says. evie nods, "me too. losing ben is gonna hurt her." iduna sighs, looking back to carlos who's mouth was covered in chocolate. she chuckles, "you need a napkin, c?" carlos looks at her sheepishly, before grabbing a napkin and wiping his face.

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