Her Mark

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Mary's POV

When I woke up I see Joy looking at me from her bed. "What?" "nothing. You look adorable when you're sleeping." "who's the stalker now?" "still you." I laughed as I got up out of bed and Joy did the same. I was making my bed when I suddenly felt arms around my waist. I look up to see Joy resting her chin on my head like she had done last night.

"What's up with you?" "Nothing, just thinking." She was looking at the wall ahead of us. "About what?" She licked her lips. "You, and something I should have done." "What do you mean something you should have done?" She laughed and then picked me up and twisted me around so I was facing her. I wrapped my legs around her waist and placed my arms over her shoulders. She carried me over to the wall by the side of my bed and put me down.

She then pushed me against the wall with her hands on either side of my head. "I mean, I should have done this when we met. That way we could of had the conversation earlier." She moved closer toward me and kissed me. This wasn't a quick kiss or a slow one. This was desperate, frenzied and deep but I wasn't going to complain. She started moving her hands down my arms and onto my waist. She then broke the kiss and went for my neck.

I moaned gently and she grinned into my skin. "You like that?" That tone. "Mhm." I couldn't form proper words. "Joy!" I yelped when she found my sweet spot and she smirked and made an even worse mark. Her hand had started moving down from my waist onto my leg and under my skirt. She was just about to touch where I needed attention most. WHEN.

"Maryline, are you there?" We jumped apart and looked at the vanity. In the mirror was an image of my father's assistant Ginerva, everyone calls her Gina, standing there trying to see without her glasses. "Go. I'll deal with this," I whispered to the woman who was still too stunned by her own actions to move. She looked at me then walked into the bathroom. Presumably to change out of her nightclothes.

I fix my hair and clothes then make my way over to the image of Gina. "Hey Gina, how have things been?" She looks at me grins and goes "so the potions mistress, huh." I look at her in shock. "Did you forget I wear contacts now?" "Honestly, yeah." "Cheeky, can't even remember your best friend wears contacts." "I'm sorry, I have other things to worry about." "Like the fact your dad is going be there in like fifteen minutes or the fact I almost saw you 'have fun' with your girlfriend." "Gina!?"

Out of the corner of my eye I see Joy leave the bathroom and make her way over to the sofa in main room. "So, have you had fun while you've been with your crush?" "Gina! I am not here to fall in love. I am here to find information for him." "Yeah, and how's that going?" "Well." "Exactly. Anyway, yeah your dad should be there in around fifteen minutes." "Knowing him that means an hour." She snorted. "Oh stars yes! But don't say that to his face or he'd kill you." I smirked. "Goodbye, Gina." "Bye, Mary." I smiled as her image disappeared.

I made my way over to the empty side of the sofa and sat down next to Joy. She looked at my neck and smirked. "It's a good thing your outfit covers your neck." "What do you mean?" "Go and look in the mirror." I got up and looked in the mirror in the bedroom and sure enough there bruises covering my neck and shoulders. I could also see my sweet spot was even worse than the others.

"Joy!?" She transferred into the bedroom with her hand covering her mouth so I couldn't see her holding in her laugh. "Yes, my dear?". "could you explain to me why I look like a bloody giraffe!" "I have no idea what you're on about, I think you look nice." "You would, you're the one who made me look like this!" "To be fair, you were enjoying it." "I suppose you're right." "Are you still mad at me." "No, don't worry I could never be mad with you just slight annoyed."

I leant up and gave her a quick kiss. "Now, your dad is coming soon and you cant transfer directly to Ada's office, so I suggest you change." "Fine." I snapped my fingers and In a second I had my new clothes on. "I was hoping for something different but I suppose that will do." "What do you mean something diff." It suddenly clicked. "Joy!?" "What? You are my girlfriend now." "That doesn't give you the right to watch me change." "Aw come on. I almost got to see everything earlier." "Key word, almost." "Now. Shall we leave." She held out her hand and I took it.

We walked down the corridor holding hands, again, passing girls who looked at us in shock. I mean can you blame them, we are complete opposites and don't seem like we would go well together but here we are. We eventually made it to Ada's office and Hecate knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Ada stood in front of her desk with my father sat in front of her.

This was going to be fun.

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