The Red Liquid

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Hecate's POV

We had parted ways when it was time for her to go back to her classroom to check on Ethel and Enid. I stayed behind to clean up the mess I had made. I was about to flick my wrist to clean up the shattered and tipped over cauldrons when I notice a red liquid all over the floor. Assuming the worst I check myself over to make sure I'm not bleeding. Seeing that I was fine I look back at the puddle under one of the desks. "Hecate think, there aren't that many red potions," I whispered to myself.

My mind was too foggy to think. When I noticed it was under Felicity's desk i started freaking out. I couldn't for the life of me remember what red meant. I got tired of trying to think and just grabbed a potions textbook  and flicked through until I found the potion right at the back of the book. Red meant it was meant to be. I just stared at the wall Infront of me. I was so stuck in my thoughts that I didn't hear Ada transfer into the room.

"Hecate are you alright?" I jolt and turn to face her when she touches my arm. "I am fine, Ada." "Are you sure?" I simply nod. She then looks down at the floor and notices the puddle as well. "What is that?" Concern is laced in her voice. "It is a potion." She lets out a sigh of relief. "What potion is it though?" I look away from her. "It is a love potion." "What love potion is red?" Her voice is full of genuine confusion. I refuse to look at her. She thinks for a few seconds until she noticed the open textbook I still had in my hands.

"A true love potion?" I simply nod again. "Who's hair was added Hecate."  I look back at the wall. "Hecate, could you please tell me I would like to know who in my school is in love." "I do not gossip headmistress." I looked her dead in the eye. "You might not be interested in gossip but I am." I scoffed at her. "Joy Hecate Hardbroom, you tell me who's hair was added right now!" She really wanted to know. I hated when she used that voice, it made me feel like a child.

"Fine." She had an ear to ear grin on her face. "You tell anyone and I will make your life hell." "Deal." She knew I didn't mean it. "One of them was mine." Her face turned excited. "you like someone." I looked away from her. "Let me guess, Dimity?" I scowled. "It's not her then. Arabella?" "Who?" "She is our new games teacher, thats what I came to talk to you about. Anyway." I looked at her again with a look of both confusion and amazement. "Mildred Hubble?" I looked at her with disgust. "Right, she is out of your league." Did she just insult me? "Is it me?" I smirked at her "that's a no, but who else is there?" I looked away from her.

"It wouldn't be Maryline, you two refused to even look at eachother during lunch." I looked down at the floor. She picked up on this. "Is it her?" I didn't say anything because I didn't want to embarrass myself. "It is." Her voice and face were full of amazement. "I can't believe it Hecate Hardbroom likes an art teacher and the art teacher likes her back!" "Could you not announce it to the world!" "Hecate, she likes you back. Why don't you go and tell her?" "You do know who she is, right." "Maryline? Yes, she is a highly respected witch."

"Ada, she's the great wizards daughter." I looked at her with exasperation. "Oh!" She looked at me and smiled. "How did you know this and not me?" "She told me." "Doesn't that say something Hecate?" I looked at her confused and she laughed. "Hecate, the fact she trusts you with that information speaks volumes." "Does it?" "Oh you silly witch, yes it does you're just too antisocial to realise that." What had gotten into her today?

"Talking about Maryline aside, we should go up to the teachers lounge to introduce ourselves to the new teacher." "Do I have to?" "Yes! Besides Maryline is there." "So?" I was flustered. "I was sure that fact alone would get you to come with me." She giggled at the look on my face. "Fine, I'll go and say hello." She smirked. "To Arabella not Mary." She smirked wide and we both transferred away.

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