The New Classroom

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Hecate's POV

Mary and and I slowly walked up the final set of stairs to her classroom. "why didn't you tell Ada you get sick when transfer in the mornings?" Mary looked down. She was trying to ignore me! Not a chance was that going to happen! "Mary?" She looks up at me with surprise. "you called me Mary," she says surprise on her face as we stop outside her classroom. "I wanted to know if you were listening," I say smirking at her.

She looks down at the floor. Was she really not going to respond! I decide to do something absolutely idiotic. I start walking toward her. She turns away and takes a step back. I move again and she steps back. We do this until her back hits the wall. Her face turns red as she looks up at me. "are you going to tell me or am I going to have to force it out of you." She looks down again

I lift her head up with fingers tilting her chin. "well?" she had turned completely red. I smirked at the woman who coward under my fingertips. "I umm," she stuttered. She was about to speak again when. "boom!" we hear something explode inside the classroom. I transfer us both inside while still holding onto her waist.

When we enter we see paint splattered all over the desks. I am furious. These are 4th years for stars sake! "Girls to your seats now," I say in a dangerously low voice. The girls scramble to their seats as fast as they can. "could someone please tell me what is the meaning of this." The girls point toward Ethel. "Ethel?" we both look toward her. "I was trying to get pencils from the cupboard when Maud slammed my fingers in the door so I trying to splash her with paint but it exploded instead," Ethel said grumpily.

"Miss Cackles office, now!" Mary looks at her classroom which is currently covered in paint. "I wouldn't normally agree with you Miss Hardbroom, but Miss Hallow here is a fourth year and is currently running for head girl if I'm not mistaken,"came Mary's voice from the back of the classroom. I was about to transfer Ethel when."and," Mary continued walking back to us. "I can't exactly use a classroom covered in paint, so, you will be here lunch time cleaning up the mess you made."

Mary nodded toward me and I transferred Ethel to Miss Cackle's office . We both looked around the state of the classroom. "my first class and I already can't use my classroom," Mary said annoyed. "we don't have any spare classrooms either." "This is right mess isn't it," came Ada's voice from behind us. We all looked at her.

"I am so sorry Miss Maryweather, I did not intend for your first art lesson to go this way," Ada said apologetically. "it's fine, I can just cancel my first few lessons." "you might not have to." "Hecate?" "There is a spare classroom right next to mine," she said crossing her arms. "it was her old classroom but she never liked the layout of it so as a gift for becoming deputy headmistress we moved her into the classroom next door."

"so, you want me to move my things into the classroom next to yours until this mess is cleaned up." I looked away. "alright girls, pack your things and make your way down to the new classroom," I say turning to them. They all go and collect their bags and start leaving the room. "Shouldn't you leave Ethel here to clean up?" "It appears she cannot be left unsupervised," I say turning to Ada.

The girls leave the room. "Would you like me transfer you down or are you just going to stand there," Ada asks the both of us as we stare at we stare at the mess covering the walls, ceiling and floor. "I'm going to walk with the girls and make sure they don't get into anymore trouble." "I remembered that I was supposed to have my free lesson, so I have nowhere to be." Ada looked at us with something in her eye before smiling, maybe she was smirking you couldn't tell with Ada, then transferred away.

Mary's POV

We both look at eachother before leaving the room.we started walking silently after we had caught up with the girls. Was she really not going to mention what happened outside the classroom. She should be proud of the fact that she got me to blush. Maybe getting her to talk wouldn't be so hard after all. The girls had start whispering and we're getting louder. "Quiet girls!" We both said loudly at the same time.

We looked at eachother then looked away. Ugh! Why was this one witch toying with my emotions when I have never felt anything toward previous witches and wizards I have flirted with to get information from. So why was she doing this to me!?

'You need to become someones enemy before you become their friend'. That's what my dad always taught me. Great advice that has actually worked well before. The worse of enemy you are the more their friendship will mean to them. It was decided.

I was going to become Hecate Hardbroom's worst enemy.

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