Healing Spell

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Mary's POV


We jumped apart as we look at Arabella. She was crying and holding her hand to her chest. "She burned her hand on her tea."Ada's voice was quiet as she spoke to us. "I know a healing spell that will help." I got up, placed the book and pencil on a table next to me and made my way over to her. I sat down next to her as Ada stood up. "May I?" I reach toward her hand. Without a word she places her hand on top of mine. I place mine on top of hers and she winces. "sorry." my voice is so quiet it sounds like a whisper. We both look down and I close my eyes.

"As if this skin were sand, move and mould to heal this hand."

her hand started to glow with a blue light and she looked down amazed. Strange. Being a person to compete in the witching games she surely would of had to of had a healing performed on before. There was something i did not like about her but i couldn't tell what it was. After the spell was finished i looked at her hand could see two or three scars that weren't fully healed. Hecate looked at us and then at Arabella's hand. She suddenly transferred away. We looked at the place she once stood. 

After around two minutes she transferred back into the room holding bandages. I smiled warmly at her as she awkwardly walked and sat next to me on the sofa as Arabella was sat at the end of her side. I took Arabella's hand gave it to Hecate. Given our position she was pressed up against my back as close as she could possibly be. I blushed bright red and prayed that no one noticed. Hecate took the bandages and started wrapping them around Arabella's hand as i held Arabella's wrist steady. 

Her head was practically leaning on my shoulder and i could feel every breath on my neck. I tried to concentrate by looking at Arabella's hand as Hecate wrapped it up. I tried not to notice that Hecate's other hand had moved to holding my hip so she could lean even closer. A task that only took three minutes felt like it lasted forever. Once she was done she moved away and got up and i missed the contact instantly.

She walked back over to where she was sitting before, picked up her book and left. I honestly wanted her to stay so we could talk about what happened. Another day maybe. I also get up and get my sketchbook and pencils. I sat down in the same seat as before. Instead of carrying on with my drawing of the staffroom I instead start drawing Hecate. I was so immersed in my drawing I didn't hear the footsteps coming toward me.

I almost leap out of my seat when I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look up to see Arabella. Ada had obviously transferred herself elsewhere. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Her face is apologetic as she speaks. "It's fine I was just focused on drawing is all." "That's very on brand. What were you drawing anyway." She tries to look at my sketchbook, so I close it. "Nothing important." I try to end the conversation there but she was persistent to keep it going.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did." She sits down in the chair next to me. "It's no problem, I had to learn healing spells in my line of work anyway." She leans closer to me. I start growing uncomfortable. "What did you used to work as?" She leaned even closer. "I used to work as a medic." It wasn't a complete lie. I used to work as a trainer for people becoming dark magic user fighters. With the trainees constantly dueling to help their battle strategy there would always be an injury.

"I used to date a medic, there usually quite nice and easy to talk to." She had grabbed my hands and started rubbing her thumbs over my palms. I was now extremely uncomfortable. "Not all medics fit that stereotype, but you do and I like that in a woman." The way she looked at me made my flight or fight reflexes go off. "I wouldn't exactly say I'm easy to talk to." I try to pull both my hands away but she keep a tight grip on one of them allowing me to get only one free.

"I would say you are." She leans down and kisses my hand through my glove. That set me off for some reason. "You know, I should get to class." I stand and she stands with me not once letting go of my hand. "Won't you stay with me beautiful." She was so infuriating. I had enough. I grab her hand and she smiles. I then generate electricity in my other palm, small enough to not be noticeable. "We could at least shake hands." My voice is sickly sweet as I hold out my hand full of electricity.

She takes my hand and her eyes go wide and her mouth opens. She then falls backward but I lift her with a spell before she hit the ground. I levitate her over to the sofa and place her down. Electricity mixed with a petrification spell can work wonders if you do it right. I walk over to her and stare down at her petrified form. Next time she tries that I won't be so nice. She should wake up in fifteen or so minutes, just enough time to make her late for her first lesson.

I go and collect my items place them in my bag. I look at Arabella one last time before smiling and transporting myself directly to my classroom. She is definitely not going to trust me after waking up and she probably won't stop flirting with me.

Ill just have to come up with a reason for her to leave me alone.

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