Introduction II

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Wilma's POV

We left the two alone together and went back to our room. I lie on the sofa and Joy is led in my lap. We were both reading when it was time to go and eat breakfast and have the welcoming assembly. We start walking down there, meet up with the two and we walk together.

Once we got there my mother and Ada transfer on to the stage. "Girls. A moment of your time please." They turn to look at them. "This is your history of magic mistress. Miss..." They looked at me and I raised an eyebrow. "Miss..." "Mary." "Miss Mary." Not pleased but they couldn't exactly say Miss Maryweather. I mean they could but it would be confusing as we both look very similar.

All four of us walk over to the staff table and Dimity and Arabitchlla look at us. "Mary, this is Miss Dimity Drill the current chanting mistress." She looked up and smiled. "This is Arabella. She does Sport." Joy's tone changed when she said that last bit. "Where do I sit?" "You sit in-between Arabella and Ada." "Ok?" She probably wanted to know why none us liked her as we hadn't mentioned her in the dreams.

After a while our food is brought over to us. When Miss Tapioca placed Joys porridge Infront of her she winked at her which meant she had put extra honey in. She did this when I looked upset, which joy did because of Arabitchlla. This was going to be interesting. Joy lifted her spoon up to her mouth and tasted it. Her eyes were immediately wide. "How much extra does she put in," she whispered to me. "Depends on how upset or distraught I look. Why?" "All I taste is honey and it tastes good." "My taste buds you see." She rolled her eyes before carrying on in silence.

Once we had finished both Hecate and I stood up. "Ada, since she is your girlfriend. You can give her a tour." "Fine, it'll give you lovebirds a chance to set up for your lessons." Hecate hummed before we walked out of the hall. She was practically dragging me down the corridors. "What is up with you?" "I don't know anything about art!" "Well, learn." "How am I supposed to learn in fifteen minutes!?" "I've left you a plan for the week. Just don't loose it." "When have I ever lost something?" "Yeah well, you've now got my clumsiness and brain. So, good luck." I transferred away.

I laugh a little after materialising. Looks like Joy will have to gat used to her worst enemy.


Potions wasn't too bad, I did always love Cackles more traditional approach. Things were quite a bit simpler that way. Once it hit lunch I transferred next door to be met with a sight that had me full on laughing.

Joy had somehow gotten wrapped up in fabric and was lead on the floor in defeat. "Are you alright there, my dear?" "do I look fine?" "it looks quite comfy actually." "get me out of here!" "alright!" I moved my hand slightly and the fabric went back to where it was supposed to be. Joy looked at me annoyed but also embarrassed. "how did you even?" "I don't want to talk about it." I giggled as she pouted at me. "should we go to lunch?" "fine."

We transferred over to the hall. Dimity was nowhere to be seen and neither was Arabella. Ada and my mother transferred not long after us. "Girls! If I could please have your attention!" Why was she asking for attention. "it would appear we have a rising star among us. Enid Nightshade will be competing against a mother school. We will be hosting the event."

My worst enemy, Sport.

I didn't care that we were the host of the games. Dimity seemed excited though. When did she get here!? She came up to Joy and I."Have either of you seen Arabella?" "no." "I haven't either." "she's gone missing." Finally! "not to worry Dimity I'm sure we'll find her." Ada tried to be reassuring but I honestly couldn't care less.

We all sat down in our seats and started eating when suddenly a man transferred in front of us. "Everyone, I would like you Tom meet Mr Daisy. He will be taking over for spell science." Another new teacher? I can't really say much though can I?

This was going to be an interesting week.

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