Maryline Maryweather

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Mary's POV

Hello there! My name is Maryline Maryweather but everyone calls me Mary. I am the new art teacher at Cackles. I know that past art teachers have been given a bad reputation but I plan on changing that. Anyway here's the story of how I met the love of my life.

I was flying on my broom with my cat and bags over the tree tops toward the castle, when suddenly. "Ahhhhhh! Watch out!" I narrowly miss the girl who came flying at me like a bullet. As she tried desperately to stop her broom she failed to see the giant tree in front of her when. Smack! She fell to the ground broom close behind her.

I slowly lower myself down to the ground. "Are you alright? That looked like it hurt," I ask the girl getting up off the ground. "Yes I'm fine." "What's your name?" "Mildred Hubble." "So your Mildred, I have heard many things about you." "Good or bad things?" "Half and half." Mildred had retrieved her broom."why were you flying away from the academy?" "I was supposed to lead you there because I'm your guide." "Lead away then."

We both got on our brooms and started flying, Mildred was Infront of me trying not to fall. "Why are you awake at 6am anyway? Breakfast doesn't start until 7:30." "Lantern monitor." "Oh stars! I remember doing that when I attended St Amethysts." "It can get annoying, having to wake up at 5am but you get used to it."

The rest of the trip was silent until we were just about to land. As we start to descend I hear barking. Odd, witches at this school only have feline familiars. As my feet hit the ground a dog comes running up to me and starts jumping against my legs. I lean down on my knees to pet it, and it starts licking my face. What a friendly dog. As it stops it starts to walk around me in circles, panting happily. I start to giggle at that. Then I hear.

"Mildred Hubble, what have I said about keeping that thing in your room." "Sorry Miss Hardbroom." Mildred looks down at her feet. Poor girl. "It's quite alright." I say to the deputy head, her head snaps up to look at me. Her eyes widen and she looks away almost instantly. Was that blush I saw? Adorable.

"Would you like to come inside miss....." "Miss Maryweather but everyone calls me Mary." She looked shocked at the idea of calling me Mary. "If you could please follow Mildred, she will show you your room and classroom." I call my broom over and take my bags off of it. "I could take those for you," suggested Mildred. "No need dear," I stick a hand over my broom. "Follow." "Now, i will be giving you a tour after breakfast, so Mildred needs to make sure she gets you there on time." "Of course Miss Hardbroom." Then the woman vanished.

"That was Miss Hardbroom, she is the deputy head of the school." "I know dear, now if I could be shown my room that would be lovely." "Of course!" I giggled as the girl ran inside, dog in tow. She held the door open for me as I walked through."

It was silent as we walked through the empty halls. The girl tried to start a conversation. "So Miss Maryweather, what will you be teaching?" "Art" "what!?" "I know that the past art teachers here ended up almost destroying the school, but I am not going to do that. I think." The girl silently giggled.

"Well here is your room, and your classroom is down those stairs and at the end of the corridor to the left." "Thank you Mildred." "See you at breakfast," she almost yelled running down corridor. I walk into my room and place my bags down. It is divided Into three rooms. The main room, which I was currently standing in, consisted of a window seat, a desk, a fireplace, a sofa, two arm chairs, a coffee table and a bookcase.

I walked up three steps to get to the other rooms. The left one was the bedroom. This room had a bed, two bedside tables, a vanity and a dresser. I walked across to the bathroom which had a shower, toilet and sink.

I walk back into the bedroom with bags, ready to unpack when I see someone in my mirror. Really? Now!? I slowly walk over to the vanity and look at the wizard with a white background, who smiled at me.

"Hello dad."

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