Talking with Hecate

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Hecate's POV

We walked behind the girls silently. I was freaking out over what I had done. You would freak out too if you had the great wizards daughter against the wall blushing. What would the girls think if they had seen that? She didn't transport away or try and push my hands away. Did she like it!? So many questions were running around in my head.

We eventually made it to the new classroom. I wasn't paying much attention so I walked right into Mary. Ouch! I just about stayed on my feet. "sorry," we both said in unison. The girls looked at us. I looked back at them face full of annoyance making them turn away. What were they thinking? Don't tell me they think that?

No, Mary and I just met they wouldn't think that. I mean. Why would they. She's probably not even attracted to. I wasn't paying attention again while all the girls went inside. "thanks for the offer to use your old classroom," said Mary calmly as she walked up to me. "you needed a classroom so I gave you one," I said turning away from her. "something on your mind dear?" "no I'm fine." "are you sure." "yes." "really?" "yes, I've got to go prepare lesson plans for my next class." I barge passed her into my own classroom.

The fact that Mary was in the classroom next to mine all day was starting to get to me as I sat down at my desk in a hurry. I was finally away from the woman who was starting to drive me mad. I sat at my desk for a while. The next lesson started and I could hear footsteps and the scrape of stools gliding across the floor in the new art room.

Then my classroom door opens. "I hope you won't mind missing this lesson Ethel Hallow," I said looking up at the girl as the other 4th years walked in and sat down. "What do you mean Miss Hardbroom?" "You will be cleaning the art classroom until it is spotless." "Miss Hardbroom I have lessons to attend." "yes I know, but I would like to not hear the noise of the art classes while I am teaching my own." The girl looked at me and saw the look on my face she immediately stopped trying to speak. "yes Miss Hardbroom."

I transferred Ethel away. "I want you to make a simple transformation potion, I will be back shortly." I transferred into the classroom next-door. "I hope your last lesson went well," I say to Mary walking up to her new desk. "It is alot easier to teach without paint all over the desks," she says barely looking up at me. I leaned on the desk a little. She did not currently have a class to teach.

"what are you doing?" "drawing." "why?" "I'm bored." I was about to walk away. "I have a question." "yes Maryline." she blushed at the use of her name. Cute. "Is Ethel always that horribly behaved." "it would appear that behaviour started in her second year." "you know something Hecate," I looked at her shocked that she used my name but my face became relaxed at the smile on her face.

"she reminds me so much of her mother." "tell me about it, I went to school with the woman." "really?" "really." "that seems a lot worse than when I had to work with her a few times before she kicked off of the council." "I bet you were happy when she got kicked off." "I was extatic." we both silently giggled. I couldn't believe I had actually found something I had in common with an art teacher. She smiled sweetly at her. We hear a loud "thunk!" and the sound of shattered glass from next door.

We both look at each other. She started laughing. "the 4th years really are a handfull arent they." "how did you know I had the fourth years?" She looked away from me biting her lip and smiling. "What?" she stayed silent. We're we really doing this again? "Mary?" she slowly looked at me. "tell me." "alright, but you didn't hear this from me,"she said looking me dead in the eyes."What?"

"The girls were talking amongst themselves while they worked and they may have started saying somethings." she looked away from me again fiddling with her hands. "What kind of things?" "well." she was completely embarrassed. "What?" my voice was dangerously low. She took a deep breath.

"basically, my class were wondering where I was so Enid volunteered ro look out the door to see if I was coming or not, and she did see me but she also saw you and she also saw when you shoved me against the wall both hands trapping my head, and she kind of told every one what she saw and they now think we are dating or that we both like each other,"she said in such a rush of words it took me a minute to fully realise what she said. We both blushed a bright red.

"what does that have to do with me having 4th years this lesson," I said after calming down. "they were planning on making a certain potion," she said looking down at the desk. "What kind of potion?" "a true love potion." "you mean the potion that changes colour based on what two people are feeling?" "yep." well. I thought for a minute.

"why don't we give them what they want then?"

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