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Mary's POV

I transferred myself away from Hecate before things got worse. First, there was a long list of things we needed to talk about. Second, I made it a lot worse by kissing her. Third, we were now going to be roommates. This couldn't possibly get any worse right!? Then I remembered that HE was paying a small visit tomorrow and he wants me to mirror him everyday to tell him everything I find. Which is currently nothing! He is going to kill me!

I sat down on my sofa as my bags packed themselves. Being HIS daughter meant that magic came easy, it also made me have twice the power level of a regular witch. Being powerful is great and all, but it can be annoying and dangerous if you can't control it. It's like trying to start a fireplace but you burn the rest of house down instead, leaving just the fireplace stood there in the rubble. Untouched.

I hadn't brought that many items with me, since I could travel home and back in the blink of an eye. I'm lying on the sofa with one arm hanging off when I feel something wet touch my palm. I look down to see my cat, Colistus, touching her nose to my palm. I giggled at the sight of the concerned cat. "I'm fine Colistus, it's just that today was hectic." The cat meows at me and then starts playing with my hand. I pick him up and place him in my lap as I sit up.

I then have an idea. Ever since I was a first year I would cast a spell on Colistus to make her talk. Yes, I would have regular conversations with my cat. It was mainly because I didn't have many friends in school, people didn't want to get into trouble if they accidentally upset me and then would be in trouble with HIM.

"Twitter, howl, meow or squeak. This animal now will speak."

"Everyday is hectic for you." "I know, but today just got to me." "What happened?" "A lot." "Like what?" "I may have fallen for a certain witch." "Is it that Hecate Hardbroom Morgana was talking about?" "I'm sorry. What?" "Morgana is her familiar. Apparently Hardbroom went back to her room at the end of lunch and was saying a lot about you." "Like what?" "Well I probably shouldn't tell you this but. Hecate Hardbroom thinks she has a crush on you." "She thinks?" "She doesn't know but it is quite a large possiblity."

I sat there for a few minutes just thinking about what Colistus just said.  Hecate had a crush on me! "Maryline!" "What?" "I said, don't you have somewhere to be?" "Yes!" I got up and placed Colistus back down on the sofa. "Hey Mary. Good luck!" "Sharing a room with a woman who may have a crush on me. What could possibly go wrong?" Colistus laughed. "Go be with your girlfriend." "She is not my girlfriend!" "Sure." I transferred away.

I transferred outside of her room as to not startle her by suddenly appearing in her room. I knock on the door and wait. I hear the scratch of chair legs and the click of heels before I see her face appear in the doorway. "I see you made it alright." Her voice was almost bland. "It is not exactly a long trip." My voice is sarcastic which actually appears to have surprised Hecate. "Come in then." She moves out of the way so I can enter. "Where is your familiar?" "Colistus?" "Yes. her." "She'll show her face around ten tonight as she does every night no matter where we stay." "I suppose you should unpack your bags. That's the bedroom which already has another bed with dark blue sheets instead of black seeing as it is obviously your favourite colour. The other room is the bathroom."

After I had unpacked my bags fully and I walked into the the living room and what I saw was adorable. Hecate had obviously been marking and had actually fallen asleep. "My dear?" I touched her shoulder and she startled awake. I giggled. "Were the essays that boring?" "Tests actually." I look at the sheet and see the worst handwriting ever. "first years?" "First years." I smiled. "Wouldn't that answer be frogs leg not newts eye." "Yes. How did you know that?" "I took potions in college." "Really?" "Really." "We should make our way to dinner." "We should?" "Five minutes." "So, why don't we walk?" She looked surprised then smiled slightly as she stood up. She held her hand out. "Shall we?" "We shall."

We walked hand in hand to the hall passing a few students who were whispering among themselves. We eventually made it to hall and to the staff table where only Dimity is present. Hecate and I sit down ready to eat when Ada and Hempnettle suddenly transfer into the hall. "Maryline could I speak to you in my office please?" Why did she want to talk to me? "Of course, Ada."

When we transferred into her room Ada sits down and points at one of the chairs across from her. "What did you want to speak to me about?" "Miss Maryweather." That wasn't good! "I have a report saying you assaulted a fellow member of staff." "Ah." "Would you happen to know anything about that?" "I would." "Could you share what you know?" "I electrocuted and paralysed Miss Hempnettle." "That is what I was afraid you would say." She leaned back slightly. "Assault is a very serious thing. That is up to the great wizard to decided if a punishment is deserved or not." "Really?" "That is why I will not report it as we both know he will do nothing about it." I sighed a massive sigh of relief.

"However, I would like to know if you had reason to what you did as Arabella said that she did nothing to warrant such a response but I have a feeling she may not have told me the truth." "Here's the thing." She raised an eyebrow. "What I did may have been a tiny bit extreme but it was not completely unwarranted." "I'm listening." "She was flirting with me but she wouldn't stop even though I tried to leave so instead of telling her I  paralysed her and left her there as I knew she would wake up in around fifteen minutes." She sighed and slightly laughed. "I'm not even going to try and figure out what was going on in your mind so just go and eat your dinner." I stood up and said "yes ma'am." Then I left.

Once I got back into the hall the other staff were all looking at me. Dimity was the one brave enough to ask me the question. "What did Ada want?" "Nothing important." I sat down to eat my food. "Oh, and Miss Hempnettle I'm keeping my job." That made the other two look at me. "What did she do to you?" "Nothing Dimity, now eat your food before it goes cold." She grumbles as she picks at her food. I then felt something touch my hand, I looked down and saw Hecate's hand grabbing mine. She looked at me with what could almost mistaken for sympathy or concern. I smiled at her, grabbed her hand, placed them both on my thigh then carried on with my food.

The rest of dinner passed uneventfully with Ada showing up in the last ten minutes. We all then went to get ready to go outside for the broomstick display. I transferred over to Hecate's and mine shared room to grab my cloak since I get cold easy. Which is why I wear two layers of clothing, at least, wherever I am. The cloak felt heavier than normal but I payed the fact no mind. Once I had the cloak on I transferred myself out to where the display was but I couldn't see Hecate or Hempnettle. I shrugged and stood behind Ada as she was about to give control over to Dimity, there was still worry on my mind as I waited for Hecate.

All was fine until the Ursula girl started riding upside down. Her appearance started changing. Her round face becoming more oval, her ginger hair becoming brown and her growing a little as well. Of course! An appearance modification spell, but those were illegal. If she had used one that would be an automatic expoltion. Then I see a first year suddenly float up on her broomstick as if she'd used a levitation potion. Then the Ursula girl flips the right way round and decides to go and save the girl before she floats away.

Once the Ursula girl comes back down they are both escorted inside with the half of the school that watched what had happened. When we get inside Hecate starts saying how Mildred will be expelled but then the girls start chanting "Mildred Hubble for head girl," over and over again.

I wonder what kind of head girl she would be?

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