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Mary's POV

The weekend passed with us having fun. Then came Monday morning. The same shared dream was occuring ever night so we now knew my mother would be arriving today.

When we woke up I hear Joy grumbling. "What's wrong, sweety?" "I'm going to have to deal with two of you." "By the way, my mother likes chaos more than me." "Well isn't that fantastic." I laughed as we got out of bed and got changed. We made our way down to the front of the school. Once we got there we see a woman with a black and purple cloak flying in on her broom with her cat.

Once she had descended she got off of her broom and pulled Hecate and I into a hug. "Right if I remember, you've switched bodies. So you're Willamina and you're Hecate." Joy giggled. "Don't." My mother laughed with her. She had my chaos and Hecate's sense of humour, this was going to be good. "Where is Ada?" "Probably in her room watering her plants, she likes waking up early." "Where is her room. I would like to go see her." "Wouldn't you like to be shown your room and classroom before being given the tour." "I have my own room." She sounded a little disappointed. "Hey. You have your own room. Doesn't mean you have to use it." Her face lit up and I laughed.

I then feel something against my legs. I look down to find my mother's familiar. "Hello there. It's been a while hasn't it." I kneel down so I can pet her and she rubs her head against my hand.  "Who's this?" "This is Starlight. Funny enough she is the mother of Wilma's familiar as well." "Really?" "Yep." "Right. Miss Maryweather I believe we should give you your tour and show you your classroom and room." "Lead the way."

We walked through the empty halls. My mother's classroom was right next to my old one and so was her room. "It's a good thing I don't get transfersickness." "Hmmm." "Which one you gets transfer sick now." "Hecate." "How do you know." "She forgot she was in my body Sunday morning and tried to transfer to the main room when she almost threw up." My mother laughed.

"This is your classroom and that is where I will be from Monday morning." "Okay. Where is my room?"
"up the stairs third door on the right." "could you show me?" "are you going to use the room?" She looked away blushing. "Then why waste time and energy." She looked like she wanted to say something. "you want to go and see Ada don't you?" "was it that obvious.?" "yes."

We transferred outside her door. I held onto Joy as the sickness wore off. I had visited Ada several times in the afternoon so we could talk. I knocked on the door and we heard a "come in." We opened the door to find Ada sat on one of her chairs reading a book about plants. She looked up at us and her face turned to excitement when she saw my mother. "Mary! You made it!" They hugged. "Old love is so sweet," I whispered. That got a "Hey!" from both of them and Joy and I giggled.

"Will you be staying in your room or with me?" "Well, I was hoping I would stay with my beautiful soon to be fiancé." They both smiled at eachother. "Why aren't you like that?" "Because someone has to contain your chaos with an iron fist and I'm not ready to propose or anything yet." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's perfectly fine, sweety. Go at your own pace, I'm not going to complain and I'll be there every step of the way." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Wilma." "Anytime, my love." We gently rested our foreheads together.

We hear a loud "Awwww!" from behind us. "What?" "You two are adorable." "Hear that Joy? You're officially adorable because more than one person believes so." "I have the capacity to be at times but only you lot see it." "So you agree with us." She turned away slightly. "Aw! She does!" "Shut it! For all I know you're with Ada so you can steal my job." "I would never do that! Plus, neither of you are going to be here in a few months." "I'm sorry. What was that!?" "Nothing. Now you two lovebirds should get to breakfast before I eat all of it."

We left.

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