Chapter 15: Starting Off Right

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With that, Terra got Aqua, Eraqus and Hanna together to teleport them back home to find out what the others had found.

Take my alien coupe to space
All these stars be in my face
Shawty acting super fake
Demons can't take me away

Ventus was on the bus with Christopher and Louis listening to his new favorite artist, DaVan. He was an up and coming trap rapper from Rochester, New York and Ven was really liking the new style that he was going for.

"I really like Yung Zenk's part here." Louis commented.

Ven nodded in agreement. "It's really catchy."

It was Friday, the day before the start of the weekend. Ventus was a bit nervous for the day since Noodle was still at home with 2D and Murdoc, most likely waiting to have fun with him after school. But Ven had some other ideas to add to the day as well. He was going to start it off right.

"Hey, guys. D'you wanna come over after school today? We can hang out and have a fun start to the weekend."

Chris thought for a second, then grinned. "Yeah, sure! I gotta ask my mom, but I think that'll be fine."

"Maybe I can get Bill and Georgie too!" Ven added.

Everyone agreed that this was a great idea, not knowing at all who else was home. But surprises were fun, and Ven definitely wanted to surprise Noodle, Keegan and Louis.

But that was a topic for later. Ven had to focus on school, and take his mind off of what Aqua and Terra could be doing while fighting The Unversed.

So Ven and his friends all went into the school and into their classes. Some of them were in the same class together, but when they got separated, it became a little hard for Ven.

He could tell that there were some old friends of Louis looking at him like he was the reason they had lost a friend. Really, if they wanted to keep Louis as a friend, they could. But of course, he had to be in their group, so naturally, they pushed him away the second he started being nice.

But Ven went on with his day as if he didn't see those guys looking at him. English, SS, ugh, Chorus, Math, and Science.

And the thing in between, lunch. It gave Ven time to think about what was gonna happen after school, and when Chris sat down to deliver the news, Ven gave a big grin.

"Bill says he'll definitely come, Georgie too."

"Great!" Ven replied. "This'll be so fun. Hey, maybe we can teach you some more magic."

"That'd be cool." Chris said, smiling.

But his smile faded when he saw the bullies from earlier glaring at Ven and Chris.

Ven followed his friend's gaze and realized what was going on.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a sec."

So Ventus signed out on the sheet and went into the bathroom, and waited. He knew something bad was going to happen.

And sure enough, the mean bullies walked right in and looked at Ven with an angry glare.

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