Chapter 3: After-School Secret

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All she had to do now... Was wait.

Ventus awoke to something a bit different than it had normally been before.

Terra was waiting for him downstairs. "Hey, Ven."

"Terra!" Ven exclaimed. "I thought you would be gone like you usually are."

"Change of plans today. You said we should have stayed up to train last night, and I realized that I don't really spend as much time with you as I used to, and I don't want anything to get in the way of our friendship. How about we train right now?"

Ven's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Terra nodded, smiling. "C'mon, Ven. I'm gonna teach you Mine Square today. But do not use this to prank anyone, it could be potentially dangerous."

"I won't, trust me." Ven grinned and ran outside with Terra.

Terra taught the boy how do set mine traps, which were little orange circles in the ground, and if you stepped on one, it would cause a minor explosion. Just something to stun someone, but Terra told him repeatedly not to do it in school or anywhere else.

"Terra, you do know that I want to be like a normal kid. Knowing magic and everything, people would make me famous in my school if I ever did show off."

"That's true." Terra said, chuckling. "Now, you get on the bus. It's time to go to school. Hey, I'll try to be home before you get back."

Glad that he'd gotten to train with Terra, Ven got on the bus, as he grabbed breakfast at school, like many other people.

He sat next to Christopher, who was playing on his phone until he looked up at his friend.

"Hey, Chris." Ven greeted warmly.

"Hey." Chris replied. "You're happy." He observed.

"Yeah, Terra-" then realizing that Chris didn't know about magic, he changed the form of his sentence quickly.

"Terra was at the house before I left this morning, and he's usually at work. He's trying to spend more time with me and Aqua now than he did for the last few months."

"Cool." Chris said, looking a little lethargic.

"What's wrong?" The boy asked, concerned.

"I'm just kinda tired. My dad was mad that we ran off to 'Tyrone's' without asking. My mom argued with him a bit and it was tiring. Like, my parents aren't bad parents, they're just really over-protective."

Ven nodded. "I know how you feel, Aqua and Terra are like that too. But they're not really parents, so... I don't know. They're just trying to help."

"I guess so." Chris hung his head and Ven put his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright." Then he got an idea. "Can you keep a secret?"

"I'm already keeping our little 'after-school secret' at Kong, but sure."

Ventus leaned in to whisper. "I know magic."

Chris turned his head. "Excuse me? No, you don't."

"Yeah, I do." Ven insisted. "You wanna know one of the things I can do?"

"What?" Chris asked, really not wanting to hear it.

"It's called Cure. If you're hurt, it'll heal you, but if you're like actually without energy, it can restore it for you. Y'know, maybe help you be less tired."

"What are you talking about?"

"Roll up your sleeve."

Chris rolled his eyes. "You're crazy." He reluctantly rolled up his sleeve and Ven put his hand on Chris's arm and concentrated.

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