Chapter 8: Boogieman

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And it all had to do with Russel.

"Wait, become real? What do you mean, it's going to become real?"

Russel held his hand to his head, looking sad. "He's called The Boogieman. I know, original name, right?"

Terra gave the man a look like "Really?"

"I know what you're thinking, but he's real. You know, you just saw his cloud form."

"We've seen weirder, honestly." Aqua replied.

"You mean like when you went to space?" Noodle piped up innocently.

Aqua raised her eyebrows. "Uhhmm... Yes. How much did you tell her, Ven?"


Aqua looked at Terra, clearly concerned.

"Right. Y'know, we were just about to take Ven back home, but now that we just saw that...."

"Aqua. You can't be serious. This isn't our problems. It's not like it could destroy the world."

"Actually he can if he gets enough power." Russel countered.

"And just how do you know that?"

"Because the ghost of my best friend used to come out of me when I slept."

"That's true." Murdoc added. "Del rapped on Clint Eastwood and Rock the House. And he could materialize objects out of thin air and become actual matter at times."

"He gave me money once." Noodle chimed in.

"Oh yeah, fo' tha time 'ey tried to jump the pedal cart ova Russ!"

"Don't remind me of that." The big man said, annoyed.

"The point is, if Del could materialize, so can The Boogieman. And trust me, he's dangerous. He can appear whether I'm asleep or awake, and so far he hasn't hurt anyone yet. But he shook the building last week. Plus, I see him in some of my dreams. He's close to becoming material, and trust me when I say this, his intentions are evil."

"Perfect. An evil ghost." Said Terra.

"Demon." Russel corrected.

"Whatever. The point is, he's not dangerous now, and all we need is for our friend to just come home. From what you just said, he might not be safe here."

"I'd be safe with my keyblade." Ven argued.

"Maybe. Or maybe not. Right now, I've made my decision. Ven, come on. Let's go."

"But Terra-"

"No buts. You ran away, and you need to come home. You're missing school, and you're gonna have to make up a day. And more importantly, you had us worried sick."

"Terra, are you sure-"

"Not now, Aqua. We need to go home."

Terra pulled Ven away, leaving him sad, and Aqua speechless. Reluctantly, she turned towards Terra and began walking back to the car.

"Sorry." She whispered to the Gorillaz as they left.

2D closed the door and sighed.

"Wot ah we gonna dew now?" The singer asked nervously.

"I don't know." Russel said disappointedly. "Right now we gotta do all we can to keep The Boogieman from becoming real. Let's go upstairs, that way, if anything happens to the house, it won't destroy the building from the bottom up."

"Good plan." Murdoc replied.

So they all went upstairs to protect themselves from the dangerous entity that was haunting the band's drummer.

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