Chapter 6: Kid With a Key

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"We got a bit of a problem."

"A problem? What kind of problem?" Russel asked, kinda nervous to hear the answer.

"The 'Aqua and Terra took my phone so they probably found out about you guys' problem."

The man's eyes went wide quick.

"They found out about Murdoc kidnapping you and Chris and Keegan?"

"Not sure about that, but if they have my phone, they'll know I texted you."

"Well, was anything you texted to Russel-San bad?" Noodle piped up. "What did you say?"

Ven then thought about what Russel had said about 2D saying that Noodle liked him, and he froze.

Russ glanced at him, remembering to keep that between them.

"He, uh, didn't say anything bad." Russel said. "We were, uh, just updating each other on life. Y'know, I told Ven about our new music, and he told me how he and the others were doing. That kind of stuff."

"The point is, if they know about the band, and me being here, then they'll know I lied about being at a friend's house when I was really here." Ven explained.

"Wait, so why did they even take your phone in the first place?" Russel added.

Ventus then remembered what really led to the phone getting taken, so he decided to tell the whole story. He could trust them, and if The Gorillaz were going to get into one of his situations, they needed to know.

So Ven told Russel to call 2D and Murdoc in too, because they were all involved now.

2D walked up to Ven and Noodle and grinned toothily. "'Ello Ventus!" The singer greeted. "Somefing happened?"

Murdoc trudged down the hall and reached the rest of the band standing there with Ven.

"This better be good, and if it's not, you're gonna have to leave."

"Hey." Russel warned, pointing at Murdoc. "If he needs to stay, he'll stay."

Murdoc grunted in what seemed like annoyance, but Ven couldn't really tell. That guy could make many sounds, and it was always kinda hard to tell what he meant by them.

But Ven gathered everyone together and waited until everything was silent. Then he began.

He started by explaining what a Keyblade was, and how he and his friends at The Land of Departure had been trained to use the keyblade for magic, combat, and healing. That part was easy explaining, they had come across pretty weird stuff in their lives. Apparently Russel was haunted by demons and a ghost of his best friend earlier in his life, so he wasn't as surprised.

But when Ven opened his hand and summoned fire, everyone, even Murdoc was shocked.

"I'm not on drugs, am I?" The green man asked, his jaw dropping to the floor.

"If you're on drugs, we all are too." Russel replied, also surprised.

"That's so cool!" Noodle squealed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Chris and Keegan didn't know either, I've only told Chris and a few of my other friends so far. Apparently it works like this too."

"So wot's the problem?" 2D asked. "If yewr friends already know, why'd yew get in trouble?"

"I'm getting to that." Ven replied.

He then told the band how Chris had convinced him to sneak out at night with Louis, Bill and Georgie, and how they all got in trouble trying to learn magic.

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